Is the universe fine-tuned for life? Luke Barnes vs Martin Bauer with Philip Goff Debate |
Premier Unbelievable? |
Bernard Carr - Physics of Fine-Tuning |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
William Dembski - Fine-Tuning in the Universe |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
How a quantum innovation may quash the idea of the multiverse |
New Scientist |
Fact Check: Did Physicists Really "Quash" the Multiverse Idea? |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
The Multiverse Has a Measure Problem |
Evolution News |
The universe is expanding too fast to fit theories: Hubble tension in crisis |
Science Daily |
Scientists Confirm The Universe Is Expanding Too Fast |
Science Alert |
Reality goes beyond physics: Why physics will never explain everything |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
String Theory Can Be Proven Wrong, String Theorists Say |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
New theory of black holes solves problem of dark matter |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Dark Energy Is Not Real, New Data Analysis Finds |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
The early universe's 'Little Red Dots' are still a big mystery |
Astonomy |
Is There a Fundamental Logic to Life? |
Universe Today |
Dark Matter and Intelligent Design: A Prediction |
Evolution News |
What if life on Venus is just life from Earth? |
Space |
Is There a Fifth Force of Nature? |
Universe Today |
Is mathematics the empress of science? A physicist weighs in. |
Big Think |
Snowflakes: A Symphony of Intricacy and Beauty |
Silent Space Negates Abiogenesis |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
The universe is unknowable from within it |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Time's arrow is not an illusion |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Günter Bechly: The Fossil Record |
Knight and Rose Podcast |
Stephen C. Meyer debates Charles Marshall on the Cambrian explosion |
Wintery Knight |
Habitability: Just Add Water: A Lot of It |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Earth's air war: Explaining the delayed rise of plants, animals on land |
Science Daily |
Soft Tissue Wars: Latest Inadequate Excuse |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Discovery of 'Punk' and 'Emo' fossils challenges our understanding of ancient molluscs |
Science Daily |
A Scientific Controversy About Warm-Blooded Animals |
Evolution News |
Oldest-known evolutionary 'arms race' |
Science Daily |
230 Million-Year-Old Fossil From Wyoming Challenges Dinosaur Origin Theories |
Gizmodo |
Whales designed or evolved: part 1- the fossils |
Journal of Creation |
Dr. James Tour Destroys Origin of Life Myths with Hard Science |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
Dr. James Tour’s Open Debate Challenge: Why Scientists Stay Silent |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
AI Reveals HUGE Naturalistic Flaws in Origin of Life Studies - James Tour with Otangelo Grasso |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
Circular Reasoning in Origin of Life Research |
Evolution News |
Origin of Life Challenge: $10 Million, Just Lying Around |
Evolution News |
What’s the strongest argument in favor of Darwinian evolution? |
Wintery Knight |
Cell Transport Carriers Traverse Hostile Territory |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Bacterial sensor evolved by decreasing complexity |
Dedicated anti-creationist makes HUGE blunder |
YouTube - Biblical Genetics |
The neglected 'laws' of chemistry - and why they matter |
Aeon |
Interview with Dr. Douglas Axe on intelligent design in nature |
Prebiotically plausible peptides don't self-assemble to produce useful catalytic amyloids |
Journal of Creation |
Irresolvable problems with Neo-Darwinism-experts calling for a new theory of evolution |
Journal of Creation |
Peter Godfrey-Smith - Philosophy of Biological Information |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
New "Long Story Short" Video Addresses Challenges from Junk DNA Defenders |
Evolution News |
Researchers uncover new complexities in human hearing |
Science Daily |
The End of the Machine Metaphor? |
Evolution News |
Recurring Design Logic in Gene Regulation |
Evolution News |
Molecular Machines Twist Evolution |
No evidence for heart evolution |
Journal of Creation |
The non-evolution of the human liver |
Creation |
DNA damage can last unrepaired for years, changing our view of mutations |
Wellcome Sanger Institute |
The evolution of sweat glands stymies evolutionists |
Journal of Creation |
Why do so many organic chemicals exist in the absence of life? |
Mind Matters |
A new vision for how evolution works is long overdue |
Nature |
Darwin Is Evolving |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
How Darwinism Dodges the Iceberg |
Evolution News |
The Displacement Fallacy: Evolution's Shell Game |
Evolution News |
Darwin's Zombies Are Still Shambling Along |
Evolution News |
Nature's Incredible ROTATING MOTOR (It’s Electric!) |
YouTube - Smarter Every Day |
Anya Plutynski - Evolution and the Nature of Chance |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Natural Selection is the Exact Opposite of Evolution |
Creation |
Protein shapes can help untangle life's ancient history |
Science Daily |
Gene Regulation Is Distinctively Human |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Brain Miniaturization in Some Very Small Insects |
Evolution News |
Nature's Hidden Intelligence: Morphic Fields | Rupert Sheldrake PhD |
Essentia Foundation |
The Ocean Teems With Networks of Interconnected Bacteria |
Quanta Magazine |
Gene expression in the human brain: cell types become more specialized, not just more numerous |
Science Daily |
Sex differences in brain structure present at birth |
University of Cambridge |
Preservation and early evolution of scalidophoran ventral nerve cord |
Science Advances |
What we eat can alter how our genes function |
EurekAlert |
The proteins that make cell-to-cell cargo transport possible |
Science Daily |
The dark proteome: Our understanding of genomic complexity keeps increasing |
Creation |
Sophisticated early warning system: How bacteria respond to threats |
Science Daily |
Spider silk strength |
Creation |
How Birds Actually Fly and Why It Matters - Dr Andy McIntosh |
YouTube - Genesis Science Report |
"Evolution in Real Time" (Yeah, Right) |
Evolution News |
Researchers finally solve the mystery of the flying dinosaurs |
Independent |
Octopus arms have segmented nervous systems to power extraordinary movements |
Science Daily |
The wonder of flying fish |
Creation |
Solving the evolutionary puzzle of polyploidy: how genome duplication shapes adaptation |
Science Daily |
7 steps to junk science that can achieve worldly success |
Columbia University |
Psychology has a consciousness problem |
Big Think |
Psychodynamic nonsense - psychotherapy has little foundation in science |
Aeon |
How Woke Warriors Destroyed Anthropology - Elizabeth Weiss |
YouTube - Heterodox Academy |
Does Lucy Prove Evolution? |
Todd C. Wood |
Homo erectus were more adaptable than we realized |
Science Daily |
Archaic Humans Might Actually Be The Same Species as Us, Study Suggests |
Science Alert |
Archaeology and the Bible |
The Outlet |
Chimp and Human (Dis)similarities by Dr. Robert Carter |
YouTube - Logos Research Associates |
Puzzling fossils unearthed in China may rewrite the human story |
An evolutionist guide to the supposed hominin fossils: Peter Line's review of The Human Lineage |
Journal of Creation |
New evidence pushes back arrival of early hominins in Europe |
Science Daily |
Farewell to Günter Bechly |
Evolution News |
Günter Bechly's Journey from Darwinism to ID: Revolutionary (approx 35 minute mark) |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Günter Bechly's Arduous Path from Hard Atheism to Faith |
Salvo |
Pro-ID paleontologist Dr. Günter Bechly has gone home to his Lord and Savior |
Wintery Knight |
Highly Evidenced Facts for the Resurrection |
YouTube - Gary Habermas |
If you accept Jesus and become a Christian, will God make you happy? |
Wintery Knight |
How to explain the gospel in less than 1000 words |
Wintery Knight |
Evolution vs. Faith: Insights from Dr. James Tour with Dinesh D'Souza |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
The Metaphysics of Irreducible Complexity |
Evolution News |
Why Science Reveals a God-Ordained Universe (w/ Spencer Klavan) |
YouTube - Sean McDowell |
Utilitarianism and the Moral Life by J. P. Moreland |
Wintery Knight |
Daniel Dennett made atheism easy to understand |
Mind Matters |
Richard Dawkins - Evolution vs. Religion? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
On Gender Issues, Atheists Devour Their Own |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
An Unmerry Hitchmas |
First Things |
Militant atheist Richard Dawkins resigns from atheist group over transgenderism |
Wintery Knight |
AAAS Needs a Reboot, and the Editor of Science Should Get the Boot. The Creeping Corruption of DEI |
The subtle ways that science writing erases human exceptionalism |
Mind Matters |
Lawrence Krauss Exposes the Censorship Crisis Gripping Academia |
YouTube - Heterodox Academy |
Climate Change Causes Space Aliens |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Nancey Murphy - Cosmology and Creation |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Here's the Other Common Objection to Intelligent Design - Answered |
Evolution News |
To Reject ID, Here's What You Have to Believe |
Evolution News |
Design Arguments, Design Detection, and Natural Theology |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
Tom McLeish - Are Science & Religion at War? |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Consciousness, Gödel, and the incompleteness of science |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Is science in our frame of reality inevitably incomplete? |
Mind Matters |
All Science Is Political Science |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Is reality shaped by our observation? Why a fringe idea in science is still controversial |
Salon |
Is Ockham’s razor losing its edge? |
Historical Adam: Updates and BIG Lessons (w/ William Lane Craig) |
YouTube - Sean McDowell |
How Science Has Been Misused to Corrupt Churches |
Evolution News |
How Does DNA Uncover a Biblical History of Humankind? - Dr. Kurt Wise |
YouTube - Is Genesis History? |
Creation-Evolution Headlines 2024 in Review |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Censorship in the Sciences: Interdisciplinary Perspectives - Center for Economic and Social Research |
In Battle for Biology, Woke Folks Come for Coyne |
Evolution News |
Dawkins's Gender Dilemma |
First Things |
C.S. Lewis’s Challenge to Scientocracy in Cambridge and Beyond |
YouTube - Discovery Science |
God and the Odds of ET |
Evolution News |
AI-Generated Junk Science Is a Big Problem on Google Scholar |
Gizmodo |
Mid-Week Apologetics Booster (2025-01-02) |
1 Peter 4:12-16 |
Mid-Week Apologetics Booster (2025-01-09) |
1 Peter 4:12-16 |
Mid-Week Apologetics Booster (2025-01-16) |
1 Peter 4:12-16 |
Mid-Week Apologetics Booster (2025-01-23) |
1 Peter 4:12-16 |
Mid-Week Apologetics Booster (2025-01-30) |
1 Peter 4:12-16 |
Why you should read “Up From Slavery” by Booker T. Washington |
Wintery Knight |
New course by Shanda Fulbright on worldviews for students grades 7-9 |
Wintery Knight |
Beyond the Physical: Exploring the Nature of the Mind |
Mind Matters |
Smaller brains? Fewer friends? An evolutionary biologist asks how AI will change humanity's future |
The Conversation |
Nathan Jacobs - Philosophy of the Mind |
YouTube - Closer to Truth |
Fascist atheist group loses lawsuit against Ratio Christi student ministry |
Wintery Knight |
AI, Man & God | Prof. John Lennox |
YouTube - John Anderson Media |
Is AI eroding our critical thinking abilities? |
Big Think |
Insect-eye-inspired camera capturing 9,120 frames per second |
Science Daily |
Recovering the Right Brain in a Scientistic Culture |
Evolution News |
"Climate Change is Showing its Claws" - Disaster losses in 2024 tell a very different story |
The Honest Broker |
Conservation of Information: The History of an Idea |
Bill Dembski |
Wokeness poisons atheism too: The tale of Jerry Coyne |
Mind Matters |
Darwin Storytellers Desperate |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Freedom From Religion Foundation deletes its entire honorary board |
Mind Matters |
Common sense is still out of reach for chatbots |
Mind Matters |