ARTICLES - November 2020 |
The universe is expanding too fast, and that could rewrite cosmology |
New Scientist |
Here’s why the quantum world is just so strange |
Mind Matters |
The scariest things in the universe are black holes - and here are 3 reasons |
The Conversation |
Did A Black Hole Give Birth To Our Universe? |
Forbes |
Has the hidden matter of the universe been discovered? |
Science Daily |
Physicists Are Expanding the Search for Dark Matter |
Quanta Magazine |
To explain away dark matter, gravity would have to be really weird, cosmologists say |
Science Magazine |
At Science mag: “Really weird” gravity would be needed to explain away dark matter |
Uncommon Descent |
Dark matter and dark energy as 21st century Ptolemaic epicycles? - Rob Sheldon offers some thoughts |
Uncommon Descent |
No, Stephen Hawking's Black Hole Information Paradox Hasn't Been Solved |
Forbes |
At Forbes: Hawking’s black hole paradox is NOT solved |
Uncommon Descent |
Swarms of 'primordial' black holes might fill our universe |
Live Science |
Virtual particles do not exist |
Einstein’s Cup Of Tea |
What Is a Particle? |
Quanta Magazine |
Six questions physicists ask when evaluating scientific claims |
Symmetry Magazine |
Prospects for life on Venus fade - but aren't dead yet |
Nature |
The lonely universe: Is life on Earth just a lucky fluke? |
Astronomy |
The Black Hole information loss problem is unsolved. Because it's unsolvable. |
BackReaction |
Sabine Hossenfelder: The black hole information problem is not solvable |
Uncommon Descent |
Some of the Milky Way's oldest stars aren't where they're expected to be |
Universe Today |
Hmm. The Milky Way’s oldest stars are out of place |
Uncommon Descent |
Contemplating the End of Physics |
Quanta Magazine |
At Quanta: Are we looking at the end of physics? |
Uncommon Descent |
Soft Tissue Fossils Reveal Incriminating Trends |
The Fossils Still Say No: The Cambrian Explosion |
At Geological Society of America’s house rag: QUIT calling it the Cambrian Explosion! |
Uncommon Descent |
Pterosaur Feathers: Another Myth Exploded |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Researchers: Earliest evidence of animals at 635 mya turns out to be common algae |
Uncommon Descent |
Twisting Abrupt Appearance into Anti-Creationism |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
The mystery of feather origins: how fluffy pterosaurs have reignited debate |
The Conversation |
Are radioactive elements crucial for rocky planets? |
Uncommon Descent |
Newly discovered lizard skull is “perplexing” Its place in Tree of Life uncertain |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient crocodiles' family tree reveals unexpected twists and turns |
Science Daily |
How long do most species last before going extinct? |
Live Science |
The tale of how duckbilled dinosaurs crossed the ocean to Africa |
Uncommon Descent |
Newly discovered fossil shows small-scale evolutionary changes in an extinct human species |
Science Daily |
Some strengths and weaknesses of the polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossils |
Journal of Creation - Perspectives |
Life with Purpose |
Aeon |
A return of purpose to biology? |
Uncommon Descent |
Genetic entropy: The silent killer |
Creation |
Review of Behe's Darwin Devolves |
Journal of Creation |
Karsten Pultz: Review of Denton’s “The Miracle Of The Cell” |
Uncommon Descent |
Behe's New "Mousetrap" Book - The Fragility of Darwinism |
Uncommon Descent |
Film clip on the probability of a protein forming by chance passes 500k views |
Uncommon Descent |
Engineer Stuart Burgess on “bad design” in nature |
Uncommon Descent |
Study: The human brain and the universe are remarkably similar |
Mind Matters |
Human Hands Are Designed, Not Evolved |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Molecular Darwinism Ignores Information |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
“Identical evolution” of isolated groups of early vertebrates confirmed |
Uncommon Descent |
A rethink about how cells organize themselves? |
Uncommon Descent |
Bacterium alters its genome to adapt to new conditions |
Uncommon Descent |
On the "Sisyphean Evolution of Darwin's Finches" |
Evolution News |
Darwin Is on the Roof - New Book from Michael Behe, Available Now |
Evolution News |
Regulators of Gene Activity in Animals Are Deeply Conserved |
The Scientist |
A Naturalist's Strong Case Against Abiogenesis |
Apologetics Press |
Do Origin-of-Life Researchers Now Accept Intelligent Design? |
Evolution News |
Did early life need long, complex molecules to make cell-like compartments? |
Penn State |
Not what Darwinists expected: Critical genes evolve in “genome’s junkyard” |
Uncommon Descent |
What are chemical signs of life beyond Earth? |
C&EN |
The human genome is amazingly complex |
Creation |
Moths evade bats using acoustic camouflage on their wings |
Uncommon Descent |
Are Galápagos Finches "Evolution in Action"? |
Evolution News |
Galápagos Finches and a Surprising Deletion |
Evolution News |
Galápagos Finches - A Paradigm of the Limits of Natural Selection? |
Evolution News |
Galápagos Finches - An "Exceptionally Strong Natural-Selection Event"? |
Evolution News |
Galápagos Finches - Some Contradictions Solved |
Evolution News |
"Darwin's Finches": Galápagos Islands as an Evolutionary Model |
Evolution News |
Researchers urge: See DNA as an energy code |
Uncommon Descent |
Cells ordered to commit suicide don’t necessarily die |
Uncommon Descent |
Darwinists Build Fake Phylogenetic Trees |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
It's a CELL World After All! |
Answers in Genesis |
The genetic factors of bilaterian evolution |
eLife Sciences |
At New Scientist: Questioning the idea of species |
Uncommon Descent |
Has a computer algorithm discovered the secret of life? - Fazale Rana |
Mind Matters |
Celebrate ENCODE III and the demise of 'Junk DNA' |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
We are encouraged to celebrate ENCODE III and the demise of junk DNA |
Uncommon Descent |
Researchers discover bacterial DNA's recipe for success |
Science Daily |
Regulators of Gene Activity in Animals Are Deeply Conserved |
The Scientist |
Selectionism: An Empty Idea |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Have Researchers Developed a Computer Algorithm that Explains the Origin of Life? |
Reasons to Believe |
Sorry, Origin-of-Life Researchers, But Bubbles Are Not Cells |
Evolution News |
Origin of life: If bubbles were cells, gloves would be hands |
Uncommon Descent |
Stretton’s Paradox: The paradox of the lowly worm |
Mind Matters |
Human intelligence just got less mysterious |
Science Daily |
Have researchers discovered why humans are smarter than animals? |
Mind Matters |
Are Proteins Attracted to Function? |
Evolution News |
Near-atomic 'maps' reveal structure for maintaining pH balance in cells |
Science Daily |
Scientists discover new organic compounds that could have helped form the first cells |
Uncommon Descent |
Debut of New "Long Story" on Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance |
Evolution News |
As If the Platypus Couldn't Get Any Weirder |
Gizmodo |
Snake vision inspires pyroelectric material design |
Physics World |
Researchers discover bacterial DNA's recipe for success |
Science Daily |
Model of multicellular evolution overturns classic theory |
Science Daily |
Where Evolutionary Tree Diagrams Come From: Evidence for Evolution (Part 9) |
Answers in Genesis |
How the gut protects the brain |
Cosmos Magazine |
Animals' magnetic 'sixth' sense may come from bacteria |
Science Daily |
Could symbiosis with bacteria play a role in the widespread use of magnetic navigation in animals? |
Uncommon Descent |
An animal has been discovered that does not need oxygen to live |
Uncommon Descent |
Ancient fish were “prepared” for life on land |
Uncommon Descent |
“Answering Theological Questions on Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding” by Fazale Rana |
Reasons to Believe |
Controversial 7-Million-Year-Old Skull May Not Have Been as Human as We Thought |
Science Alert |
Where Was the Birthplace of Modern Humans? |
Discover Magazine |
Study puts Denisovans on roof of the world |
Cosmos Magazine |
Neanderthal children grew and were weaned similar to us |
EurekAlert |
War in the time of Neanderthals: how our species battled for supremacy for over 100,000 years |
The Conversation |
Neanderthals Didn't Use Their Thumbs Like Modern Humans Do |
Gizmodo |
Is it empathy, not intellect, that makes humans unique? |
Mind Matters |
Well-preserved addition to the evolution story |
Cosmos Magazine |
How Einstein Reconciled Religion to Science |
Nautilus |
At Nautilus: How Einstein reconciled religion to science |
Uncommon Descent |
Can we find purpose in a universe with no underlying purpose? |
Mind Matters |
Has Cognitive Science Explained (Away) God? |
The Gospel Coalition |
Review of Keas's Unbelievable |
Journal of Creation |
The surprising facts about why atheists become Christians and vice versa |
Patheos - Unbelieveable Blog |
How is the Intelligent Design Movement Doing? Interview with William Dembski |
Uncommon Descent |
How post-modernism can strangle research |
Uncommon Descent |
We are urged: Keep science irrational |
Uncommon Descent |
Keep science irrational |
Aeon |
Gizmodo asks experts for the three biggest science frauds of the past 50 years |
Uncommon Descent |
1 Peter 3:15 and Cultural Engagement |
The Worlview Bulletin |
A materialist gives up on determinism |
Mind Matters |
Moving beyond the paradigm |
Science Magazine |
Paradigm Busters vs Paradigm Preservers |
Inside Higher Education |
Busting the paradigm without busting your career? |
Uncommon Descent |
An academic discovers the “dark side” of Darwinism |
Uncommon Descent |
The Bizarre Theories of the American School of Evolution |
JSTOR Daily |
Karsten Pultz on the recent Behe-Swamidass debate |
Uncommon Descent |
Ted Davis on why Christianity is good for science |
Uncommon Descent |
Laszlo Bencze: Karl Popper never really retracted his doubt of Darwin |
Uncommon Descent |
Matti Leisola - bioengineer dumps Darwin, declares design |
Creation |
The Human Error Darwin Inspired - How the demotion of Homo sapiens led to environmental destruction |
Nautilus |
Darwin is now blamed for environmental destruction |
Uncommon Descent |
Michael Behe: Kafka in Dover, Pennsylvania |
Evolution News |
Big Science Shocked At Its Own Cluelessness |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
At Science News: Top Ten wrong results in science |
Uncommon Descent |
The Denialist Playbook - Sean Carroll |
Scientific American
Falsificationism and the Pragmatic Problem of Induction |
Organon |
When science becomes fiction, it often appears happy with the transformation |
Uncommon Descent |
What Is the First Prophecy of the Coming of the Messiah in the Bible? |
Reasons to Believe |
Advice to experts on humility |
Uncommon Descent |
Douglas Axe: The Sway of Self-Image in Evolutionary Debates |
Evolution News |
Protein chemist Doug Axe nails self-image problem in biology |
Uncommon Descent |
Particle physicist offers 75 reasons we don’t see aliens |
Mind Matters |
Why search for extraterrestrial life? Why not make it ourselves? |
Mind Matters |
Can a pill change your mind about basic issues in life? |
Mind Matters |
I Published a Fake Paper in a 'Peer-Reviewed' Journal |
Undark |
A laugh from the world of predatory journals |
Uncommon Descent |
A neuroscientist on why we can build human-like brains |
Mind Matters |
The Brain Is Not a Computer and Big Data Is Not a Big Answer |
Mind Matters |
Will quantum mechanics produce the true thinking computer? |
Mind Matters |
Can We Make Brains in a Dish? Can we make MINDS in a dish? |
Mind Matters |
New test reveals AI still lacks common sense |
Science Daily |
Did social media panic drive up the damage from COVID-19? |
Mind Matters |
We finally know what has been making fast radio bursts |
ars technica |
Has the Singularity been called off? Indefinitely postponed? |
Mind Matters |
The way we train AI is fundamentally flawed |
Technology Review |
Could carbon computing make computers more environment friendly? |
Mind Matters |
Do time and space mean the same thing to humans as to computers? |
Mind Matters |