PhD Physicist Refutes Popular Claims Against Intelligent Design & God: Interview with Dr. Brian Miller |
YouTube - CJM |
Luke Barnes and Fine Tuning |
Reasonable Faith |
The multiverse is cosmology's unreachable frontier |
Big Think |
95% of the Universe is a total mystery |
Big Think |
Signs of a Critical Imbalance in Physics Seen in The Arrangements of Galaxies |
Science Alert |
Early universe crackled with bursts of star formation, Webb Telescope shows |
University of Cambridge |
What the huge young galaxies seen by JWST tell us about the universe |
New Scientist |
Wild Study Shows Everything in The Universe Will Eventually Evaporate |
Science Alert |
Weird black holes may hold secrets of the early universe |
Science News |
Theoretical Breakthrough Could Finally Solve the Mystery of Invisible Dark Matter |
The Debrief |
Astronomers discover new link between dark matter and clumpiness of the universe |
Science Daily |
A New Experiment Casts Doubt on the Leading Theory of the Nucleus |
Quanta Magazine |
Quantum nothingness might have birthed the Universe |
Big Think |
Reality is not revealed by quantum mechanics |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
The two roads to quantum gravity |
Big Think |
String theory under fire |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Particle, wave, both or neither? The experiment that challenges all we know about reality |
Nature |
Did physicists get the idea of "fundamental" wrong? |
Big Think |
Webb Telescope Is Powerful Enough To See a Variety of Biosignatures In Exoplanets, Argues New Paper |
Slashdot |
In defence of string theory |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Could the expanding Universe truly be a mirage? |
Big Think |
Earth's atmosphere - wonderfully designed for life |
Creation |
Evolutionary Trees Tangle With the Data |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Incongruence in the phylogenomics era |
Nature |
Cambrian Explosion Crisis Worsens |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Study claims Earth was created much faster than we thought |
Phys.org |
New study sheds light on the evolution of animals |
Science Daily |
Early Cretaceous angiosperm radiation in northeastern Gondwana |
Earth-Science Reviews |
The Phosphorus Cycle: Cause or Effect? |
Evolution News |
Earliest Comb Jellies Wore Armor |
Evolution News |
The lagging evolution of bivalves in the Cambrian |
Science Daily |
Scientists discover 'lost world' of early ancestors in billion-year-old rocks |
EurekAlert |
A 'lost world' of early microbes thrived one billion years ago |
Nature |
The Gupta Scandal |
Evolution News |
Fossil Sequences: Evidence for evolution or special creation? - Part 4 |
YouTube - Creation Unfolding |
Plate tectonics not required for the emergence of life |
Science Daily |
Fossil study challenges long-held theory on Fibonacci spirals found in nature |
Phys.org |
94-million-year-old mosasaur from Utah |
Science Daily |
Solving the Mysterious Appearances of Duck-billed Dinosaurs |
Extravagant Claims: James Tour & Stephen Meyer Critique Origin of Life Research (Ep. 2) |
YouTube - Stephen Meyer |
New Clues About Origin of Complex Life Trace Roots to Common Ancestor |
University of Texas |
The tricks behind cells' DNA replication |
Knowable Magazine |
Powerful microscope captures motor proteins in unprecedented detail |
Nature |
Information and Life's Origin - A Retrospective |
Evolution News |
Radical New Theory Gives a Very Different Perspective on What Life Is |
Science Alert |
First illustration of the molecular machinery that makes cilia beat |
Science Daily |
Gifted Microbes Elevate the Case for Intelligent Design |
Evolution News |
Dethroning the Dogma "Mutations Occur at Random" |
Biological evolution requires an emergent, self-organizing principle |
Answering Farina on Behe's Work: Irreducible Complexity |
Evolution News |
Answering Farina on The Edge of Evolution |
Evolution News |
Answering Farina on Behe's Work: Darwin Devolves |
Evolution News |
Why Knockouts and Deletions Are Insufficient for Inferring Function - The Mystery of Cell "Vaults" |
Evolution News |
... the parallel evolution of a cell with a rotating “head” |
Wiley Online Library |
A revised central dogma for the 21st century: all biology is cognitive information processing |
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology |
Jonathan Wells Evaluates Darwinian Evolution in New Online Course |
Evolution News |
The Death of Darwin (Evolution): Dr. David Berlinski Interview |
YouTube - The Becket Cook Show |
The Evolution of Anti-Evolutionism |
Skeptical Inquirer |
Epigenetic Mechanisms: Adaptive Master Regulators of the Genome |
Genome Maintenance Defies Evolution |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
When Does Natural Selection Take Place? |
Oxford University Press |
Redundancy in the Genetic Code Serves an Engineering Purpose |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Electrical synapses in the neural network of insects found to have unexpected role in controlling flight power |
Science Daily |
Cognitive cells? A newer challenge to neo-Darwinism |
Mind Matters |
On the Origin of Life and Virus World by Means of an Intelligent Designer: The Factory Maker Paley's Watchmaker Argument 2.0 (Free book download) |
Otangelo Grasso |
‘Breakthrough’ could explain why life molecules are left- or right-handed |
Science |
Causal circularity, catch22, Chicken & egg: a major conundrum for naturalistic explanations |
Reason and Science |
Why Dawkins is wrong |
YouTube - Denis Noble |
Ants have a specialized communication processing center that has not been found in other social insects |
Science Daily |
How the Brain Protects Itself From Blood-Borne Threats |
Quanta Magazine |
Compasses, Clocks - Intelligent Design in Time |
Evolution News |
A new tool to study complex genome interactions |
Science Daily |
Incredible Honey Bees and Their Nest Constructing Skills |
Bees Are Astonishingly Good at Making Decisions |
eLife Sciences |
Optimal design of sand grouse feathers |
APS Physics |
The human brain's characteristic wrinkles help to drive how it works |
Nature |
The Cognitive Map: An Incredible Display of the Brain's Complexity |
Epigenetic Biotimer Revealed in Flowers |
Evolution News |
What Carl Sagan got very wrong about the human brain |
Big Think |
Darwin: Why Women Are Inferior |
Evolution News |
Pervasive gene tree incongruence in primates |
Science |
Biggest ever study of primate genomes has surprises for humanity |
Nature |
Newly identified cellular mechanism that promotes photosynthesis in marine phytoplankton |
Science Daily |
The Elephant Trunk: New Illustra Film Released |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
DNA Can Fold into Complex Shapes to Execute New Functions |
Cornell University |
How the motion of DNA controls gene activity |
Science Daily |
Masters of acclimation: Octopuses adjust to cold by editing their RNA |
EurekAlert |
Temperature-dependent RNA editing in octopus extensively recodes the neural proteome |
Cell |
When water temperatures change, the molecular motors of cephalopods do too |
Science Daily |
Natural Engineering in Honey Bee Lifestyle |
Evolution News |
How an Austrian Scientist Concocted a New Domain of Life |
Evolution News |
The most extreme incursion of ideology into ecology and evolution I've ever seen |
Why Evolution Is True |
Dave Farina of Professor Dave Explains: Reflection on the abiogenesis debate with James Tour |
YouTube - Critical Faculty |
Exposing the lies of Dave Farina, aka "Professor Dave" |
YouTube - The God Talk |
Otangelo Grasso debate with Grayson on the Origin of Life |
YouTube - Based Theory |
Amazing fine-tuning to get the right hydrogen bonds for Watson–Crick base-pairing |
Reason and Science |
Competitive exclusion principle among synthetic non-biochemical protocells |
Science Direct |
"Protosterol biota" may explain one mysterious gap in the evolution of complex life |
Big Think |
How scientists are hacking the genetic code to give proteins new powers |
Nature |
Scientists investigate the evolution of animal developmental mechanisms, show how some of Earth's earliest animals evolved |
Science Daily |
On Human Origins New Peer-Reviewed Paper Reviews Models for Reconciling Science and Religion |
Evolution News |
To Be or Not to Be Homo |
Evolution News |
Homo rudolfensis, Another Contentious Homo |
Evolution News |
Focus on function helps identify the changes that made us human |
Science Daily |
Humans' ancestors survived the asteroid impact that killed the dinosaurs |
Science Daily |
Good as Gould? Ask a Chimp |
Evolution News |
Evolutionary Models of Human Origins? |
Evolution News |
Neanderthals May Have Been The First To Carefully Concoct This Substance |
Science Alert |
Researchers: Neanderthals invented process to produce birch tar |
Mind Matters |
Neanderthal cave engravings identified as oldest known |
Phys.org |
Homo naledi - Graves, engravings, and tools? Oh my! |
Todd C. Wood |
Did our human ancestors eat each other? Carved-up bone offers clues |
Nature |
Does This Hominid "Erase Human Exceptionalism"? |
Evolution News |
First hominin muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old 'Lucy' could stand as erect as we do |
Phys.org |
Toxic Evolutionary Psychology about Men |
Evolution News |
The Toxic War on Masculinity (w/ Nancy Pearcey) |
YouTube - Dr. Sean McDowell |
Faith-based beliefs are inescapable in science |
Big Think |
Special Issue "Exploring Science from a Biblical Perspective" |
MDPI - Religions |
Robert Boyle, the Bible, and Natural Philosophy |
MDPI - Religions |
50 Atheists Found Christ. This Researcher Found Out Why |
Christianity Today |
The Science, Theology and Philosophy of Life // William Lane Craig and James Tour on Life's Origins |
YouTube - Dr. James Tour |
In Quest of the Historical Adam: A Biblical and Scientific Exploration (Book Review) |
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood |
The Philosophy of Science 4: A Brief History of Science from the Scientific Revolution to Modern Physics |
Faith Science and Secularization — An Illuminating Conference in Poland |
Evolution News |
So You Think The Material World Is All There Is? |
HillFaith |
Free will: What are the real reasons to believe in it? |
Mind Matters |
Intelligence Is Unnatural, and Why That Matters |
Evolution News |
The Brain Is Not Conscious |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
William Lane Craig: "What evidence do we have for God's existence?" |
YouTube - Livermore Lab Events |
When science becomes ideology |
Big Think |
Natural Selection: A Covert Theology of Nature? |
Evolution News |
Anatomy of a Scientific Scandal |
City Journal |
Eidos Special Edition: Science and Religion |
Humane Philosophy |
John Lennox: Why did Hawking say you must choose between God and science? |
YouTube - Practical Wisdom |
Replacing Chemistry with Purpose |
Evolution News |
Book: Beyond Doubt: The Secularization of Society |
Religion News |
Book: Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace |
Princeton University Press |
Can Science Find God? feat. Stephen Meyer and Michael Shermer |
YouTube - Bryan Callen |
Philosopher and Mathematician David Berlinski on “Science After Babel” |
Evolution News |
The hard scientific problem: Human consciousness |
The Economist |
How Faith Can Improve Scientific Research |
Evolution News |
Morality is declining, right? Scientists say that idea is an illusion |
Nature |
The New Inquisition of Scientism |
Robert W. Malone |
Darwin Mysticism Slides Through the Media |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
In bed with the enemy: how to fix science |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
What all scientific experts wish non-experts knew |
Big Think |
Defining Religion in the Court |
First Things |
Is the world perfectly designed? |
Creation |
Intelligence Metrics: Measuring the Degree of Intelligence in Design |
Bill Dembski |
Is Intelligent Design Scientific? |
Christianity - Stack Exchange |
Intelligent Design: Science or Philosophy? William Lane Craig |
YouTube - Dr. Craig Videos |
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer explains intelligent design for Prager University |
Wintery Knight |
What Does "Scientific Progress" Mean, Anyway? |
The New Atlantis |
The laws of nature explain very little |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
How Science Is Bent to the Will of Activists |
Red State |
Science Should Leave the University |
Minding the Campus |
The Ideological Subversion of Biology |
Skeptical Inquirer |
Stem cells: the hype and the dangerous reality |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
C. S. Lewis on Christian Apologetics: Needed Now More than Ever in Christian Higher Education |
Minding the Campus |
Why universities should remain viewpoint neutral |
Why Evolution Is True |
The Barbarian Within: Darwinism and the Secular Script for Masculinity |
Evolution News |
Dehumanization, animalization: Inside the terrible world of Swiss human zoos |
Phys.org |
Whistleblower Doctor Reveals How Gender Ideology Has Corrupted Medicine |
Daily Wire |
Darwin: Why Women Are Inferior |
Evolution News |
The Toxic Assumptions of Evolutionary Psychology about Men |
Evolution News |
Sex Change Operations Do No Good |
Powerline Blog
The Toxic War on Masculinity (w/ Nancy Pearcey) |
YouTube - Sean McDowell |
How Shoddy Data Becomes Sensational Research |
Chronicle of Higher Education
Why AI Will Save the World |
AI is not intelligent |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
AI could replace humans in social science research |
Science Daily |
How AI can distort human beliefs |
Science |
Why we should not be afraid of AI |
Tech Talks |
The “conscious machine” is just real enough to scare people |
Mind Matters |
Big Science: Enemy of Democracy |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Agendas Run Rampant Over Science in the Biden Administration |
Real Clear Science |
Case Closed: It Was a Lab Leak |
PowerLine Blog
10 reasons we KNOW that COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Lab |
NY Post |
'Embryo Models' Challenge Legal, Ethical and Biological Concepts |
Quanta Magazine
Iterations of Immortality - David Berlinski |
Evolution News