November, 2012

Welcome to the ARN Announce email reports. These brief emails are sent out every few months to help you keep up with the top intelligent design news and resources at a glance, and provide you with quick links to more information. We also provide you with advanced notice of new products and special sales available only to our email subscribers.

Art Battson to take the helm at ARN
Art Battson

Year-end Donation Opportunity: Support ARN today and receive the Origins 101 Digital Video Collection

Greetings from the ARN Staff. After 35 years as the volunteer Executive Director for ARN, co-founder Dennis Wagner will hand the leadership baton off to fellow board member Art Battson. Actually Dennis did take a break along the way when Mark Hartwig led the posse for a few years and helped transition the non-profit organization from Students for Origins Research to Access Research Network. Art will help lead another transition as the organization looks to expand its focus from origins to broader world-view issues.

“World-wide access to online higher education courses is sweeping the world right now and ARN is well-positioned to be a leader in providing instructional materials and courses from top-notch scholars representing the Judeo-Christian worldview” said Battson. “We do not plan to abandon our 35 year focus on origins, by any means, but to expand the implications of the origins debate to the humanities, politics, business, religion, medicine, economics and virtually all fields of study that have been distorted by philosophical naturalism and post-modernism. Where we came from and where we are headed have a major impact on all fields of study and how we live our lives. Young adults need a credible alternative to secular psychology or sociology courses, for example, that assume humans are merely carbon-based machines subject to scientific investigation.”

Art recently took an early retirement from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As Director of Instructional Resources, he was responsible for integrating instructional technology into higher education at UCSB and produced a number of ID-friendly programs for UCTV. As one of the original ARN board members Art also helped produce over 40 video lectures, interviews, debates and panel discussion products for ARN exploring the Darwin vs. Design debate on university campuses across the country.

At ARN we are celebrating our 35 years of challenging naturalism with the release of all of our video products in a digital DVD four-disc collection entitled Origins 101: Beyond Naturalism (.mp4 files). This package features 41 mp4 video products with a web browser menu, and is designed to be played on computers, iPods, smart phones, tablets and any device that can view mp4 files. These products include leading thinkers and authors such as Phillip Johnson, Jonathan Wells, Michael Denton, Dean Kenyon, Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, Richard Weikart, Michael Strauss and many more. Watch as they take on leading proponents of naturalism such as William Provine, Michael Ruse, and Neill Shanks. Not only does this DVD set summarize our 35 years presence in the dialog on origins, but it provides a glimpse of where we would like to go with the broader worldview issues.

As 2012 draws to a close we would like to ask you to consider making a donation to ARN to help fund ARN’s continuing work in higher-education as our new Executive Director, Art Battson, seeks to expand our product offerings and online presence with a wide-range of scholars representing the Judeo-Christian worldview.

To make a donation of $75 click here and we will send you the Origins 101: Beyond Naturalism 4-Disc set containing 41 mp4 video products.

To make a donation of $25 click here and we will send you the Origins 101: The Sampler single disc containing nine of our favorite lectures and debates from the 41 video product above.

If you would like to make a larger tax-deductible donation (which is always appreciated) you may make a donation online at http://www.arn.org/arnproducts/donation.htm. If you would still like one of the video premiums just note which one on the comment field when you check out. Credit card donations can also be made by phone by calling 888-259-7102 and leaving your information on our secure answering machine or with our office manager, Sarah. Of course old fashion checks are always welcome which you can send to ARN, P.O. Box 38069, Colorado Springs, CO 80937. Donations sent by mail must be postmarked by 12/31/2012 in order to receive a charitable contribution receipt for 2012.

Dennis Wagner

With fond memories of our work together and gratefulness for your support over the past 35 years.

-- Dennis Wagner, Executive Director (until December 31st)

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