Apologetics 315 - History, Philosophy, Science and Theology
ASA - Resources on Science and the Christian Faith
All About Atheism All About Atheism / Conservapedia
Academic Freedom Petition Academic Freedom Petition
BioGenesis Research Group
Biologic Institute - Science
Discovery Institute Discovery Institute - Intelligent Design +
Evolution in Context - Science
Evolution News & Science Today
The Evolving Times
God Evidence - Apologetics
IDEA Center - Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness
Intelligent Design The Future Intelligent Design: The Future
Josh McDowell - Evidence that Demands a Verdict
Peaceful Science - Science and Theology
Privileged Species - Science
Probe - Philosophy, Science and Theology
Reasonable Faith - Apologetics
RTB Reasons to Believe - Science and History
Risen Jesus - History
Dissent from Darwin A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism
Stand to Reason - Apologetics
Michael G. Strauss - Physics and Cosmology
William Dembski's Design Inference - Intelligent Design
Wintery Knight - Christian faith and knowledge in the public square

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