Evolution: A Theory in Crisis - Peter Saunders interviews John Lennox |
FOCLOnline |
What in the World Is Your View? - Worldview Series |
J.R. Miller |
Scientific Evidence For Life After Death - Gary Habermas |
Gary Habermas |
In Defence of the Soul - Dr. Ralph Weir |
Oxford University |
Why I believe in God: John Lennox interview with Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing |
Premiere Unbelievable? |
Evolution’s False Predictions: Introduction |
Darwin's God |
Molecules Don't Care About Life! |
Discovery Science |
Protein Evolution |
Darwin's God |
Histone proteins cannot tolerate much change |
Darwin's God |
Can Science Explain Everything? Dr. Lennox & Dr. Tour |
Dr. James Tour |
The Emergence of Life on Earth |
UCTV Seminars |
Exposing the lies of Dave Farina, aka "Professor Dave" |
The God talk |
Dr. Matt McLain discusses the "Carboniferous Explosion" of Amphibians |
Creation Unfolding |
Exploring Feathered Dinosaurs with Dr. Matt McLain and Dr. Marcus Ross |
Creation Unfolding |
More perfect than we imagined: A physicist’s view of life |
University of Washington |
The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics -- And why I don't believe it |
YouTube - Sabine Hossenfelder |
10 Questions on Fine Tuning with Stephen Meyer |
Sean McDowell |
Can Scientists Answer These Questions? RNA Abiogenesis Chemical Natural Selection & more |
Dr. James Tour |
Live Q&A with Dr. James Tour on the Origin of Life Challenge |
Dr. James Tour |
We've made life in the lab, right? Scientists with faith + abiogenesis theory of origin of life |
Dr. James Tour |
Why Hands-On Chemistry Experiments Can't Simulate A Prebiotic Earth (Ep. 4) |
Stephen Meyer |
Can cells think? | Michael Levin |
The Well |
Does God Exist? | The Scientific Case For Intelligent Design - Dr. Stephen C. Meyer |
Freedom Pact |
Oxford Mathematician Destroys Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!) |
Daily Dose of Wisdom |
PhD Physicist Refutes Popular Claims Against Intelligent Design & God: Interview with Dr. Brian Miller |
Extravagant Claims: James Tour & Stephen Meyer Critique Origin of Life Research (Ep. 2) |
Stephen Meyer |
The Science, Theology and Philosophy of Life // William Lane Craig and James Tour on Life's Origins |
Dr. James Tour |
William Lane Craig: "What evidence do we have for God's existence?" |
Livermore Lab Events |
Fossil Sequences: Evidence for evolution or special creation? - Part 4 |
Creation Unfolding |
Can Intelligent Design Explain Evolution? - Casey Luskin |
Andrew Klavan |
Return of the God Hypothesis | A Conversation with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer and Dr. Roi Yozevitch |
Dose of Greatness |
“Is the Cosmological Argument Still Sound?” With Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Stephen C. Meyer |
Reasonable Faith |
John Lennox: Why did Hawking say you must choose between God and science? |
Practical Wisdom |
Can Science Find God? feat. Stephen Meyer and Michael Shermer |
Bryan Callen |
Intelligent Design: Science or Philosophy? William Lane Craig |
Dr. Craig Videos |
Intelligent Design Expert on the the Big Bang and the James Webb Telescope |
PowerfulJRE |
James Tour & Stephen Meyer Bring Clarity to the Origin of Life Debate (Ep. 1) |
Stephen Meyer |
Origins of the RNA-Protein World – Lost in Translation? |
John Sutherland, Cambridge |
Why Dawkins is wrong |
Denis Noble |
Thermodynamics Expert Addresses Dave Farina: Chemistry Points to ID | Interview w Dr. Brian Miller |
Dave Farina of Professor Dave Explains: Reflection on the abiogenesis debate with James Tour |
Critical Faculty |
Exposing the lies of Dave Farina, aka "Professor Dave" |
The God Talk |
Otangelo Grasso debate with Grayson on the Origin of Life |
Based Theory |
Can Mutations Plus Co-option Produce Novel Structures? Part 5 |
Creation Unfolding |
Christian Worldview 101 |
Joseph R. Miller |
What is Consciousness? |
Stephen Braude |
It's not AI consciousness that worries me, but their intelligence. |
Sabine Hossenfelder |
12 Questions about the Origin of the Universe (w/ Stephen Meyer) |
Dr. Sean McDowell |
The (Crazy) State of Origin-of-Life Research (w/ James Tour) |
Dr. Sean McDowell |
The 5 core principles of life | Nobel Prize-winner Paul Nurse |
Big Think |
Dr. James Tour vs Dave Farina | Are we clueless about the origin of life? |
Dr. James Tour |
How Do Scientists Think Life Originated? |
Dr. Craig Videos |
Why Believe in God? w/ William Lane Craig and Michael Ruse |
Bryan Callen |
Stephen Meyer: Has Humanity Forgotten God? |
2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith |
Matt Walsh Responds To Prof. Dave's What Is A Woman Video |
Matt Walsh |
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer on the Scientific Status of Intelligent Design & the Multiverse |
The Carpenter's Desk |
Christianity & Origins of Life Research w/ Jim Tour and William Lane Craig |
Capturing Christianity |
Shroud of Turin: The evidence, that corroborates Jesus' historicity and biblical identity |
The God talk |
Science, Mathematics, and Beauty - Prof Andy McIntosh |
Truth in Science |
The shaky foundations of cosmology | Bjørn Ekeberg |
Institute of Art and Ideas |
Origin of Life: Controversial Chemist Shakes up Scientific Community | Problems with Primordial Soup |
Dr. James Tour |
Dr. Brian Miller - Intelligent Design, Thermodynamics, And The Origin of Life |
Archives of Creation |
Michael Levin | Cell Intelligence in Physiological and Morphological Spaces |
Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali: Where does order in nature come from? |
Premier Unbelievable? |
Richard Dawkins vs Piers Morgan On Religion and Gender | The Full Interview |
Piers Morgan Uncensored |
A Jewish Defense of the Trinity - The Case for Messiah |
One for Israel |
Apologetics Roadshow |
Evolution as a Religious Theory |
Darwin's God |
Design Patterns in the Human Body |
Discovery Science |
11 Archaeological Finds for the Gospels (Dr. Titus Kennedy) |
Dr. Sean McDowell |
Return of the God Hypothesis, Dr. Stephen Meyer |
Church of Southland |
Dr. Robert P. George | "God, Natural Law and the Crisis of Morality in the West" |
Southern Seminary |
The Death Knell for Life from an RNA world |
The God talk |
Dr. James Tour: How Did Life Come into Being? |
Socrates in the City |
Dr. Tour Unmasks Double-Standards & Inaccurate Commentary - Steve Benner, Part 01 |
Dr. James Tour |
Dr. Tour MINES Data on Origin of Life Claims - Steve Benner, Part 02 |
Dr. James Tour |
Dr. Tour SHINES LIGHT on Scientific Paradoxes on Origin of Life - Steve Benner, Part 03 |
Dr. James Tour |
Does science make belief in God unreasonable? |
More Than Cake |
Does God Exist? A Conversation with Tom Holland, Stephen Meyer, and Douglas Murray |
Hoover Institution |
Reasoning With Unbelievers
Dr. Greg Bahnsen |
"I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist": Dr. Frank Turek at Ohio State University |
Eric Chabot |
A skeptical look at Atheism |
Andy McIntosh |
Antony Flew's Conversion from Atheism |
Max Bauer |
Dr. Craig DESTROYS Hume's Argument Against Miracles with a Simple Analogy |
Capturing Christianity |
The Early Creeds: Historical Facts About Jesus from 30 to 55 AD | Gary Habermas |
NOBTS Apologetics |
Dealing with Factual Doubt - Gary Habermas |
Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA |
Dealing with Emotional Doubt - Gary Habermas |
Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA |
Tugging at Our Hearts: The Biblical Imagery of Heaven - Gary Habermas |
Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA |
Is God Ignoring Me? Making Sense of God's Silence - Gary Habermas |
Apologia Conference, Santa Barbara, CA |
Did the Resurrection Really Happen? | William Lane Craig |
Veritas Forum at UCSB |
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas) |
Capturing Christianity |
Answering the Problems of Evil with Dr. Clay Jones |
Capturing Christianity |
The Problem of Suffering and the Goodness of God - Ravi Zacharias at Johns Hopkins |
Veritas Forum |
Why Suffering? Finding Meaning in our Difficult World - Ravi Zacharias |
C. S. Lews Institute |
Answering 5 Big Objections to Christianity with Dr. Jerry Walls |
Capturing Christianity |
Answering the Problems of Evil with Dr. Clay Jones |
Capturing Christianity |
From Atheism to Christianity: Why This Scientist Accepted Jesus
Capturing Christianity |
Another Intelligent Atheist Changes His Mind |
Living Waters |
Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? Nabeel Qureshi |
Rice Chi Alpha |
More than a Defense: 10 episode apologetics series with Jonathan Bartlett |
BP Learning |
The Universe Next Door - Dr. Mokulis, Meet Dr. Denton! - Tom Woodward |
Apologetics.org |
Did Jesus Exist? - Bart Ehrman & Robert Price Debate |
Bart D. Ehrman |
Dr. Craig Calmly Refutes Dr. Ehrman's 'Conflicting Gospels' Argument |
Capturing Christianity |
Stephen Meyer Interviews John Lennox about going "Against the Tide" |
Discovery Science |
Are the Gospels Historically Reliable? - Bart Ehrman & Mike Licona Debate |
Mike Licona |
Jesus' Resurrection: Atheist, Antony Flew, and Theist, Gary Habermas, Dialogue
Veritas Forum |
Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist's Conversion Testimony) |
Acts 17 Apologetics |
Dr. David Wood shares his testimony @ IPC Hebron | Houston |
MARZ TV Productions |
The Loud Absence - Where is God in Suffering? John Lennox at Harvard Med School |
Veritas Forum |
Learn How To Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century - Ravi Zacharias |
Saddleback Church |
Reasonable Faith Animated Videos |
Dr. Craig Videos |
Apologetics Academy Collection |
Jonathan McLatchie |
How Can a Good God Allow Evil? Does Life Have Meaning? - Dr. Ravi Zacharias |
100 Huntley Street |
My Journey to Christ - Nabeel Qureshi |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries |
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: The Christian Testimony of Nabeel Qureshi |
Acts 17 Apologetics |
Q&A with Dr. Craig Hazen and Dr. J.P. Moreland |
Reveal Conference |
Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil? - John MacArthur |
Ligonier Ministries |
Is Jesus the Only Way? - John MacArthur |
Ligonier Ministries |
Why Believe Jesus Christ is God? |
Christ Community Chapel |
William Lane Craig Responds to Bart Ehrman's Wild Comments on @CosmicSkeptic |
Capturing Christianity |
Learn How To Do Apologetics in the Twenty-First Century with Ravi Zacharias |
Saddleback Church |
Where in the Bible does Jesus actually say he is God? | Michael Ramsden |
Zacharias Trust |
Did Jesus Claim to Be God in His Teachings? |
drcraigvideos |
Did Jesus Really Claim to be God? (Q&A with Ravi Zacharias) |
Christ Community Chapel |
A New, Mind-blowing Solution to the Problem of Evil (Justin Mooney) |
Capturing Christianity |
Why Do You Think Richard Dawkins Won't Debate You? (Question to Wiliam Lane Craig)
drcraigvideos |
The New Atheists: Old Arguments New Attitude - Greg Koukl |
Apologetics Canada |
Dr. Craig Breaks Down Nearly EVERY BOOK He's EVER Written! |
Capturing Christianity |
Dr. Frank Turek Answers Questions on Evolution, Apologetics, and Memes |
Capturing Christianity |
Powerful Arguments for Dualism |
Capturing Christianity |
Freeman Dyson - 'God appears to be a mathematician' |
Web of Stories |
Does Math Point to God? William Lane Craig + Graham Oppy |
Capturing Christianity |
What of People Moving Towards Pantheism & Panentheism Based on Quantum Physics? |
Dr. Craig Videos |
The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeology at Iowa State |
Veritas Forum |
Dr. Mike Licona Refutes 3 SUPER WEIRD Theories About the Resurrection |
Capturing Christianity |
THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: Is it believable? Two Atheists Interview Christian |
Dr. Jonathan McLatchie |
James Tour & Rebecca McLaughlin: Confronting Christianity |
Science & Faith Podcast |
"Agree to Argue" - New YouTube Channel |
Reasons to Believe |
How Did the Universe Begin? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer |
PragerU |
Did the Universe Begin to Exist? William Lane Craig vs Alex Malpass |
Capturing Christianity |
James Tour and Fritz Schaefer: The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God |
The Science & Faith Podcast |
Stars, Cells, and God | Does the James Webb Space Telescope Reveal that the Big Bang Never Happened? |
Reasons to Believe |
The Fine-Tuning Argument // 90-Minute Q&A with Dr. Luke Barnes |
Capturing Christianity |
Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind? |
Closer To Truth |
The Big Bang is Probably Not What You Think It Is |
Domain of Science |
Sir Roger Penrose & William Lane Craig • The Universe: How did it get here & why are we part of it? |
Unbelievable? |
Stephen Meyer Discusses the Big Bang, Einstein, Hawking, & More |
Discovery Science |
Did the Universe Begin to Exist? William Lane Craig vs Alex Malpass |
Capturing Christianity |
A Cosmologist Explains Why the Universe is Fine-Tuned for Life (Dr. Luke Barnes) |
Capturing Christianity |
Answering Objections to the Fine-Tuning Argument with Dr. Robin Collins and Dr. Josh Rasmussen |
Capturing Christianity |
Stephen Meyer Shatters The Myth Of The Multiverse (Science Uprising 04) |
Discovery Science |
Counterprogramming for Cosmos 3.0: Two New Videos from Science Historian Mike Keas |
Evolution News |
Frank Tipler: The Singularity |
Discovery Science |
God and the Astronomer |
Illustra Media |
Big Universe. Bigger God. |
Illustra Media |
The Heavens Declare |
Illustra Media |
Of Fingertips and Galaxies - 2 Minute Wonders series |
John 1010 Project |
How Did the Universe Begin? - The Kalam Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig |
Dr. Craig Videos |
The Kalam Cosmological Argument and Fine-Tuning: A Documentary |
First Cause Argument |
On the Origin and Design of the Universe - Michael Strauss |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Mounting Evidence for Design - Hugh Ross |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Privileged Planet |
Illustra Media |
The Privileged Planet - Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards |
ARN - Origins 101 |
On the Origin of the Cosmos - An Interview - Michael Strauss |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Creation of the Cosmos - Walter Bradley |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Fine Tuning, Intelligent Design, and Naturalism - Robin Collins |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Timelapse of the Entire Universe |
Melodysheep |
Hubble's Amazing Universe |
Hubble: Universe in Motion |
Cosmic Journeys |
John Lennox Reflects on Stephen Hawking's Life & Beliefs |
Fixed Point Foundation |
Ravi Zacharias Answers Stephen Hawking - Part 1 |
What Happened Before the Big Bang? |
Fermilab |
Must Multiple Universes Exist? |
Closer to Truth |
The Drake Equation is Useless (Part 1) - Ask a Spaceman! |
Paul M. Sutter |
The Drake Equation is Useless (Part 2) - Ask a Spaceman! |
Paul M. Sutter |
Was the universe made for us? |
Sabine Hossenfelder |
Where do atoms come from? |
Sabine Hossenfelder |
Dr. Tour EXPOSES the False Science Behind Origin of Life Research |
Rice University |
James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life |
Discovery Science |
Dr. James Tour - Synthetic Organic Chemist on the Origins of Life |
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show |
The Science & Faith Podcast - James Tour & Brian Miller: Thermodynamics and Origin of Life |
Dr. James Tour |
Addressing Abiogenesis & Common Misconceptions (15 videos) |
Dr. James Tour |
Scientists are Clueless on the Origin of Life | Lecture @ Andrews University
Dr. James Tour |
Abiogenesis Hypothesis ULTRA Pack! Free Course w/ Rice University Chemist |
Dr. James Tour |
Are we close to discovering the Origin of Life? James Tour vs Lee Cronin |
Unbelievable? |
Podcast: Walter Bradley on the new, expanded edition of The Mystery of Life’s Origin |
Uncommon Descent |
Walter Bradley on Origin of Life Research (Part 1) |
Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 |
James Tour: The Origin of Life Has Not Been Explained |
Discovery Science |
Thermodynamics, the Origin of Life, and Intelligent Design - Brian Miller |
Dig and Delve |
The protein folding problem: a major conundrum of science: Ken Dill |
Michael Denton Discusses The Miracle of the Cell |
ID the Future |
DNA Is Code: Who Coded It? (Science Uprising 03) |
Discovery Science |
On the Origin of Life - Dr. James Tour |
Syracuse University |
The Origin of Life: An Inside Story - James Tour |
The Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University |
How Did Life Begin? - Michael Behe |
IDquest |
Origin: Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance |
Philip Cunningham |
The Mystery of the Origin of Life: James Tour |
Discovery Science |
Stuart Bartlett on What “Life” Means |
Mindscape Podcast |
Programming of Life |
Programming of Life |
Programming of Life 2: Earth |
Programming of Life |
Energy and Matter at the Origin of Life |
Gresham College |
Thermodynamics and Origins of Life: A Conversation with Brian Miller |
Apologetics Academy |
Origin (Trailer for 2016 film on the origin of life) |
Illustra Media |
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution - Stephen Meyer vs. Peter Ward (rematch) |
Talk of the Times - Seattle, WA |
Abiogenesis: The Faith and the Facts - Edward Peltzer |
ARN - Origins 101 |
How on Earth did life begin? Lee Cronin, Perry Marshall and Denis Noble on the origins of life |
Unbelievable? |
Focus on the Origin of Life - Dean Kenyon |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Focus on the Origin of Life - Charles Thaxton |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Signature in the Cell: Stephen Meyer Faces his Critics, Part 1 |
Stephen Meyer |
How Did Life Begin? - Michael Behe |
IDquest |
Life on Earth May Have Started Almost Instantaneously |
Daily Galaxy |
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter |
Hoover Institution |
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves |
Discovery Science |
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves |
Socrates in the City |
Less is More: How Darwinian Evolution Helps Species Adapt by Breaking Genes - Michael Behe
Dig and Delve |
Michael Behe: A Mousetrap for Darwin |
Discovery Science |
Evolution and the Experts - Douglas Axe |
Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 |
Protein structure cannot evolve by mutations, shows study undercutting Darwin - Axe, Meyer & Nelson |
Solemn Existence |
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, Meyer, and Gelernter |
Hoover Institution |
James Tour & John Sanford: Genetic Entropy & Genome Degeneration |
Science & Faith Podcast |
Evolution: Not A Chance! - Dr. David Menton |
Listen: Molecular Biologist Douglas Axe Explains the Protein Evolution Problem |
Evolution News |
Maxwell’s Angel: God and the Physics of Design in Life's Molecular Machines | Paul D. Ashby |
C.S. Lewis Society of California |
Brilliant and Beautiful, but Wrong |
Detecting Design |
DARWIN'S RIVAL: Alfred Russel Wallace's Fight for INTELLIGENT Evolution | Feat. Michael Flannery |
Rational Religion |
Great Minds: Meyer, Medved on the Origin of Animal Life |
Discovery Science |
Queen Mary University of London |
Uncommon Knowledge with David Berlinski on “The Deniable Darwin” |
Hoover Institution |
Michael Behe Is Returning With His Latest Book, Darwin Devolves |
Discovery Science News |
Michael Behe: Darwin Devolves |
Socrates in the City |
The Edge of Evolution: the Limits of Darwinism - Michael Behe |
Book TV - CSPAN 2 |
The Fossil Record: Implications for Neo-Darwinian Evolution (with Dr. Günter Bechly) |
Apologetics Academy |
Fossil Discontinuities: A Refutation of Darwinism and Confirmation of Intelligent Design - Gunter Bechly |
Uncommon Descent |
A Paleontologist on Why the “Cambrian Explosion” Label Persists |
Discovery |
Evolution - Dr. James Tour |
Genetics Proves Design and Disproves Evolution - Dr. Stephen Meyer - 1 of 2 |
NephilimFree |
Genetics Proves Design and Disproves Evolution - Dr. Stephen Meyer - 2 of 2 |
NephilimFree |
Anatomist Dr. David Menton Responds to "Proof of Evolution That You Can Find on Your Body" |
Answers in Genesis |
"Darwin's Corrosive Idea" John West |
Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 |
The Dependency Graph of Life: A Conversation with Dr. Winston Ewert |
Apologetics Academy |
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven |
Prager U |
Jonathan Wells Presents His Latest Book Zombie Science |
Discovery Science |
Darwin's Nightmare (Basics of Intelligent Design Biology, Ep. 1) |
Discovery Science |
Information Enigma |
Discovery Science News |
Darwinian Evolution: A Pseudo-Science based on Unrestrained Imagination and Bad Liberal Theology |
Philip Cunningham |
What are the Limits of Darwinism? - Michael Behe at the University of Toronto |
Power to Change - Students |
Darwin's Doubt |
Stephen C. Meyer - YouTube Channel |
Darwinian Evolution Fails the Five Standard Tests of a Scientific Hypothesis |
Philip Cunningham |
Darwin's Heretic - Alfred Wallace |
Alfred Wallace - YouTube Channel |
John Sanford - How Darwin Got It Wrong |
Creation |
Cell-Directed Mutations |
Blyth Institute |
Genetic Entropy Debate: Salvador Cordova vs. Ron Garret |
Standing for Truth |
Iconoclast: One Journalist's Odyssey through the Darwin Debates |
Discovery Science News |
Revolutionary (Trailer) |
Discovery |
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design - Stephen Meyer |
Reasons: Conversations on Science and Faith |
Stephen Meyer & Eric Metaxas Discuss "Darwin's Doubt" |
Socrates in the City |
Darwin's Dilemma (Documentary) |
Illustra Media |
"Darwin's Doubt" with Stephen Meyer |
Socrates in the City |
Is Evolution Compelling? - from the Hunter-Ruse debate |
Cornelius Hunter |
What are the Limits of Darwinism? - Michael Behe |
Power to Change - University of Toronto |
On a Theory of Conservation: Stasis Is Natural; Is Evolution? - Art Battson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Biotic Message - Walter ReMine |
ARN - Origins 101 |
An Interview with Walter ReMine |
ARN - Origins 101 |
On the Theory of Evolution - Michael Ruse, Bruce Tiffney, Jonathan Wells |
ARN - Origins 101 |
How Darwinists Think - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
A Critique of Darwinist Icons (Icons of Evolution) - Jonathan Wells |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Cambrian Explosion - Stephen Meyer and Marcus Ross |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Darwinism on Trial - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Focus on Darwinism - Michael Denton |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Doubting Darwin: An Interview with Scott Minnich |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Blind Watchmaker: A Skeptical Look at Darwinism - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Molecular Machines and the Death of Darwinism - Wells, Dembski, Nelson, Macosko |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Focus on Darwinism - An Interview with Dean Kenyon |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Darwinian Evolution Fails the Five Standard Tests of a Scientific Hypothesis |
Doubts on Darwinism - JP Moreland |
IDquest |
Dinosaurs in Wyoming formation - Dr. Kurt Wise |
Truett McConnell University |
What is the Fossil Record? - Dr. Marcus Ross |
Is Genesis History? |
Is Homology Evidence for Evolution? | Long Story Short, Ep. 1 |
Discovery Science |
A Whale of an Evolution Tale | Long Story Short, Ep. 2 |
Discovery Science |
Does Science Point To God? - Stephen Meyer |
Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 |
Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix? | John Lennox & Pascal Wallisch |
Veritas Forum at NYU |
J.P. Moreland: Discerning God's Voice - When God Seems Silent |
Biola University |
One God or Many Universes? Stephen Meyer Explores How Fine-Tuning Points to Intelligent Design |
Discovery Science |
Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis |
Socrates in the City |
What's Wrong with Atheism? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer |
PragerU |
A New, Mind-blowing Solution to the Problem of Evil (Justin Mooney) |
Capturing Christianity |
Is there a God? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Peter Atkins (Part 1) |
Jonathan McLatchie |
Is there a God? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Peter Atkins (Part 2: Q&A) |
Jonathan McLatchie |
Does God Exist? - William Lane Craig debates Austin Dacey |
Wintery Knight (Review and link to video) |
Dr. Craig Rebuts the "Best Atheist Arguments" from Ricky Gervais and Co. |
Capturing Christianity |
Genesis 1 |
BibleProject |
Do Muslims and Christians Worship the SAME GOD? (Dr. Tomas Bogardus) |
Capturing Christianity |
Freeman Dyson - 'God appears to be a mathematician' |
Web of Stories |
Michael Ruse vs John Lennox • Science, Faith, and the Evidence for God |
Unbelievable? |
Does Atheism Poison Everything? | Debate: Christopher Hitchens vs. David Berlinski |
Fixed Point Foundation |
If There Is No God, Murder Isn't Wrong |
PragerU |
Atheism, Theism, and Overcoming Bias // @CosmicSkeptic + Josh Rasmussen |
Capturing Christianity |
Evidence for God's Existence Apart from the Bible - Ashby Camp |
The Outlet |
Where did the laws of nature come from? Hugh Ross vs Peter Atkins |
Unbelievable? |
Does God Exist? - Dr. Gordon Stein (Athiest) vs Dr Greg Bahnsen (Jesus follower) |
UC Irvine |
Is It Reasonable To Believe There Is A God? - Lawrence Krauss vs William Lane |
City Bible Forum - Australia |
Stephen Meyer: The Return of the God Hypothesis |
Socrates in the City |
Krauss, Meyer, Lamoureux: What’s Behind it all? God, Science and the Universe. |
Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto |
Does the Existence of Evil Exculpate God As the Cause of the Universe? |
J. Warner Wallace |
What We Missed in Genesis - William Lane Craig |
Reasonable Faith |
Miracles and Probability: Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Brian Blais |
Dr. Jonathan McLatchie |
THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS: Is it believable? Two Atheists Interview Christian |
Dr. Jonathan McLatchie |
Is Faith Delusional? |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries |
The God Delusion Debate - Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox |
Fixed Point Foundation |
Deconstructing New Atheist Objections to the Arguments for God and Q&A |
Reasonable Faith |
My Journey to Christ - Nabeel Qureshi |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries |
A Medical Doctor THOROUGHLY DEBUNKS the Hallucination Hypothesis |
Capturing Christianity |
If the Multiverse Is True, Is There a Need for God? |
Hugh Ross - Reasons to Believe |
Is God Great? - Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox |
Fixed Point Foundation |
Is Faith Delusional? - John Lennox & Ravi Zacharias |
Cherubim Church |
The Atheist Delusion Movie (2016) |
Living Waters |
Does God Exist? What the Modern World Has Forgotten |
Harding University |
Hugh Ross - Lawrence Krauss on Genesis 1:1 |
Sentinel Apologetics |
Has Science Buried God? - University of Chicago Open Forum with John Lennox |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries |
Is there evidence for a Cosmic Creator - Hugh Ross vs Lewis Wolpert |
True Science |
Big Universe. Bigger God. |
Illustra |
How Do I Know God Exists? - Dinesh D'Souza |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
World's Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God Because of Science |
Y227 |
An atheist changes his mind about God |
godnewevidence |
The Privileged Planet |
Illustra Media |
Michael Shermer and Alister McGrath: Is God a Figment of Our Imagination? |
Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto |
Latest Scientific Evidence for God's Existence - Hugh Ross |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
Scientific Arguments For A Creator - Victor Stenger vs Hugh Ross |
Atheist vs. Theist Debates |
The Proof For God Without the Bible - JP Moreland |
Max Bauer |
God and Stephen Hawking - John Lennox |
IDQuest |
Atheist turned Christian - Alistar McGrath |
CBC - The Hour |
The Existence of God - Ravi Zacharias |
Apologia Acts 17:17 |
The Hiddenness of God - Ravi Zacharias |
The Case for a Creator - Lee Strobel |
Illustra Media |
Questions and Answers with Professor John Lennox |
Scientific Proof of God - Gerald Schroeder |
Science Finds God |
Atheist Dogma Debunks Itself - John Lennox |
Why God Won't Go Away - Alister McGrath |
LICC Media |
Atheist Physicists Prove God - Anthropic Principle Fails |
We Don't Do God? - Christopher Hitchens and John Haldane |
Veritas Forum at Oxford University |
Does the God of Christianity Exist? - Christopher Hitchens, William Lane Craig, Douglas Wilson, Lee Strobel, and Jim Dennison |
Christianity Today |
Can Physics Prove God and Christianity? Frank Tipler vs Lawrence Krauss |
Skeptics Society |
Does God Exist Debate - Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig |
Biola University |
Does God Exist? - Jonathan McLatchie vs Charles Villet |
Monash University |
Does God Exist? - Frank Turek vs Christopher Hitchens Debate |
Christian Apologetics |
Does God Exist? - John Lennox vs. Michael Shermer |
Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, Australia |
God: Fact or Fiction? - John Lennox |
Veritas Forum at UNC |
Philosophy, Science and the God Debate (Part 1) - Alister McGrath, Keith Ward and John Lennox |
Christian Television Association |
God and Cosmology - William Lane Craig and Sean Carroll - 2014 Greer Heard Forum |
Reasonable Faith |
What’s Behind it all? God, Science and the Universe - Lawrence Krauss, Stephen C. Meyer, and Dennis Lamoureux |
Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto |
God, Science & the Big Questions: Leading Christian Thinkers Respond to the New Atheism - J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and John Lennox |
Reasonable Faith |
Has Science Buried God? - Lennox vs. Dawkins Debate |
Fixed Point Foundation at Oxford University |
Has Science Buried God? - Dr. John Lennox |
Veritas Forum at Arizona State University |
Did Science Kill God? - Dr. John Lennox |
Veritas Forum at UCLA |
God: Fact or Fiction? - Dr. John Lennox |
Veritas Forum at Vanderbilt University |
The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
The Atheist Delusion Movie |
Living Waters |
Science Has Found "Proof" of the Existence of God |
Fact Reality |
Truth in a Time of Crisis | Ravi Zacharias |
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries |
Powerful Arguments for Dualism |
Capturing Christianity |
Gary Habermas Answers Questions on NDE's, the Nature of Resurrection Appearances, & Lots More |
Capturing Christianity |
Aliens, the Multiverse, or God? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer |
PragerU |
Understanding Intelligent Design — The Humpty-Dumpty Experiment and What It May Mean |
Subboor Ahmad with Paul Nelson |
Stephen Meyer—Return of God Hypothesis: 3 Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe |
Skeptic |
By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator |
Hoover Institution |
What Is Intelligent Design? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer |
PragerU |
An Empirical Argument for Intelligent Design - Michael Behe |
Dallas Science Faith Conference 2020 |
New Video of Scientists Speaking Out about Intelligent Design |
Uncommon Descent |
Fearfully, Wonderfully, Deliberately: The Argument for Intelligent Design from Biochemistry - Michael Behe |
Dig and Delve |
Is Intelligent Design Defensible? Michael Behe Says YES! |
Dr. Sean McDowell |
Stephen Meyer Investigates Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design (Lecture 1) |
Discovery Science |
A Summary of the Evidence for Intelligent Design |
Granville Sewell |
Wonders of Creation: Defined Design |
Apologetics Press |
Why Human Skeletal Joints Are Masterpieces of Engineering |
Discovery Science |
Evolution by Design: Exploring an Evolution-Compatible Natural Theology - Zachary Ardern |
FOCLOnline |
Evolutionary Theory is a Big Deal - George Sinclair |
Dig and Delve |
Causes & Consequences - John Patrick |
Dig and Delve |
Dig and Delve Q&A 2019-1: Pastor George Sinclair, Dr. John Patrick and Dr. Michael Behe |
Dig and Delve |
Dig and Delve Q&A 2019-2: Brian Miller, Robert Larmer |
Dig and Delve |
Summary of intelligent design discussion, with Ben Shapiro and Stephen C. Meyer |
Wintery Knight |
The Primacy of Information for Science: A Conversation between Fred Skiff and Bill Dembski |
Spry Things |
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven |
Prager U |
Someone Must Have the Answer! (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 1) |
Discovery Science |
The Complexity of Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 2) |
Discovery Science |
The Power of Evolution (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 3) |
Discovery Science |
The Effects of Mutation (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 4) |
Discovery Science |
The X-Factor in Life (Secrets of the Cell with Michael Behe, Episode 5) |
Discovery Science |
Intelligent design, creation, and evolution: Interview with Eric Chabot |
Dr. Jonathan McLatchie |
Videos Now Available from the Recent ID Conference In Austria |
Evolution News |
Biology and Design series |
Geoscience Research Institute |
Intelligent Design 3.0 - Stephen C. Meyer |
Stephen C. Meyer |
Marcos Eberlin: The Intelligent Design of Water Makes it a Supernatural Liquid |
Discovery Science |
Michael Behe Investigates Evolution and Intelligent Design |
Discovery U |
Does Information Create the Cosmos? |
Closer to Truth |
How Do We See Intelligent Design in Nature? - Dr. Paul Nelson |
Is Genesis History? |
Message from the Molecules – They Say “Intelligent Design” |
Discovery Science |
Habitabilty for Billions of Humans |
Reasons to Believe |
Illustra Media Collection |
Illustra |
Biology and Design series |
Geoscience Research Institute |
Illustra Media Celebrates Animal Diversity |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Purposeful Design at the Foundation of Life - Michael Behe |
IDquest |
Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
Stephen Meyer - Evolution & Intelligent Design (2018) |
LoveYourNeighbour |
Habitability for the Redemption of Billions - Hugh Ross |
Reasons to Believe |
Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines |
Discovery Institute |
Bacterial Flagellum - A Sheer Wonder Of Intelligent Design |
Philip C |
The Genius of Birds – Paul Nelson |
Origins |
Water, Ultimate Giver of Life, Points to Intelligent Design |
Discovery Science News |
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution 2.0 - The Protestant Reformation of Evolutionary Biology |
Cosmic Fingerprints |
Design DisQuisitions - Collections of YouTube videos related to Darwinian Theory and ID by subject and speaker |
Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design |
Stephen Meyer - IDQuest |
Irreducible Complexity vs Evolution | RE: Intelligent Design | Michael J. Behe |
Theology, Philosophy, and Science |
The Creation Conversation - Part 1 - Stephen Meyer and Michael Behe |
Bacterial Flagellum - A Sheer Wonder Of Intelligent Design |
Philip Cunnigham |
Intelligent Design Vs. Evolution 2.0 - Perry Marshall debates Stephen Meyer |
Cosmic Fingerprints |
A German Scientist Speaks Out about Intelligent Design |
Discovery Science News |
Stephen Meyer Debates Oxford University Chemist Peter Atkins |
Unbelievable |
Design Beyond DNA: A Conversation with Jonathan Wells |
Apologetics Academy |
ID theorists Steve Meyer and Doug Axe on Royal Society meeting (audio) |
Uncommon Descent |
Webinar with Dr. Douglas Axe |
Apologetics Academy |
Unbelievable? Is design in nature undeniable? - Doug Axe vs Keith Fox |
Premiere Christian Radio |
Journey Inside The Cell |
Discovery Institute |
Information Enigma |
Discovery Science News |
Biology of the Baroque |
Discovery Science News |
C.S. Lewis & Intelligent Design |
C.S. Lewis Web |
Privileged Species |
Discovery Science News |
Fire-Maker: How Humans Were Designed to Harness Fire & Transform Our Planet - Michael Denton |
privilegedspecies.com |
Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed - Douglas Axe |
www.undeniabledesign.org |
The Creation Conversation, Part 1 - Michael Behe and Stephen Meyer |
Watermark |
The Creation Conversation, Part 2 - Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer and David Berlinski |
Watermark |
Intelligent Design: The Biochemical Evidence - Michael Behe |
Apologetics Academy |
Unlocking the Mystery of Life (Documentary) |
Illustra Media |
The Privileged Planet (Documentary) |
Illustra Media |
EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed (Documentary) |
Premise Media |
Creation, Evolution or Both? - Hugh Ross, Fuz Rana, Harry Nelson, Kevin Plaxco |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Intelligent Design: From the Big Bang to Biology - Michael Behe |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Intelligent Design Under Fire - Panel Discussion at Biola University |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Irreducible Complexity - Michael Behe |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Convergent Evolution - Fuz Rana |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Paradigm of Design: The Bacterial Flagellum - Scott Minnich |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Becoming - If you ever need a reminder of the reality of design...s |
Aeon Video |
Detecting Design in Biology - William Dembski and Niall Shanks |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Scientists and Their Molecular Machines - H. "Fritz" Schaefer, Michael Behe |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Humans: Did We Evolve or Were We Created? |
Philip Cunningham |
Perry Marshall takes on Behe's Darwin Devolves |
Evolution 2.0 |
Why Isn't Intelligent Design Science? |
Tomorrow's World Viewpoint |
Are lipid bilayers fine-tuned? |
Sphingolipid Biology |
The Nature and Problems with Scientific Naturalism - J.P. Moreland |
FOCL Online |
The Scientism Delusion - Ian Hutchinson |
Veritas Forum at UC San Diego |
William Dembski - Does Consciousness Defeat Materialism? |
Closer to Truth |
Three Big Ways Christianity Supported the Rise of Modern Science Explained by Historian Michael Keas |
Discovery Science |
Three Big Myths about the History of Christianity and Science Exposed by Historian Michael Keas |
Discovery Science |
The Primacy of Information for Science: A Conversation between Fred Skiff and Bill Dembski |
Spry Things |
The Many Inadequate Justifications of Methodological Naturalism - Robert Larmer
Dig and Delve |
Robert Larmer, God of the Gaps and Naturalism |
TJump |
Why Evolution is Different |
Granville Sewell |
Richard Dawkins Debates Alister McGrath |
Debates Online |
Michael Flannery on the Origin of Darwin’s Worldview |
ID the Future |
Darwinian Materialism and/or Methodological Naturalism vs. Reality |
Uncommon Descent |
Atheistic Naturalism vs. The Laws of Nature |
Philip Cunningham |
Can Science Study God? |
Stated Casually |
Why Science without Faith Leads to Post-Modernism - Jonathan Patrick
Dig and Delve |
Is There Anything Wrong with "God of the Gaps" Reasoning? - Robert Larmer
Dig and Delve |
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel |
Tom Huston |
Darwinian Materialism and/or Methodological Naturalism vs. Reality |
Uncommon Descent |
Information and the End of Materialism - William Dembski |
ID Quest |
Monopolizing Knowledge: Can Science Explain Everything? - Ian Hutchinson |
Veritas Forum at Wesleyan |
Darwin was an ideological figurehead not a scientist - John C. Sanford |
Ratio Christi |
The trouble with Richard Dawkins - Michael Ruse |
Public Christianity |
Can science explain everything? - John Lennox vs Peter Atkins |
Unbelievable? |
Alternatives to Methodological Naturalism 2016 Conference |
The Blyth Institute |
The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism |
C.S. Lewis Web |
One Nation Under Darwin - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
David Berlinski on Science, Philosophy, and Society |
Hoover Institution |
James Tour Speaks About Technology and Evolution |
God, Science, and Technology |
BP Learning |
VFX Artist Reveals the True Scale of Atoms: If atoms were the size of tennis balls |
Corridor Crew |
Is Infinity Real? |
BackReaction |
A Historian Explains the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habermas) |
Capturing Christianity |
What Can History Reveal About Christianity? Laura Robinson vs. Mike Licona |
Capturing Christianity |
Gary Habermas Shares Historical Information Most People Don't Know About Jesus
Gary Habermas |
5 Facts for the Resurrection by 36 AD |
Gary Habermas |
This Historian has NEW Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus |
Capturing Christianity |
Three Big Ways Christianity Supported the Rise of Modern Science Explained by Historian Michael Keas |
Discovery Science |
Are Religion and Science in Conflict? — Science and God — Stephen Meyer |
PragerU |
The Science and Faith Podcast |
Dr. James Tour |
Three Big Myths about the History of Christianity and Science Exposed by Historian Michael Keas |
Discovery Science |
Finding true Judaism | In conversation with Jeff Morgan of @Jews for Jesus |
Dr. James Tour |
Christian Origins of Modern Science? - Professor Peter Harrison |
Pepperdine University |
The Bible Project (Excellent short animated summaries of books of the Bible and more) |
BibleProject |
MIRACLES & PROBABILITY: Dr. Jonathan McLatchie vs. Dr. Brian Blais |
Dr. Jonathan McLatchie |
FOCLOnline |
Why Would God Need A Blood Sacrifice Before He Could Love His Creation? |
Dr. Craig Videos |
90 Minutes of Evidence for Noah's Flood - Dr. Kurt Wise |
Is Genesis History? |
Origin, Meaning, Morality, Destiny - Ravi Zacharias |
Ligonier Ministries |
Life's Four Big Questions, Q and A – by Ravi Zacharias |
The Bible-smith Project |
Ravi Answers On God And The Bible, Abortion, Homosexuality, And War |
Nathan Prindler2 |
God's Will - Ravi Zacharias |
pmailletvideos |
Peter van Inwagen - Big Questions in Free Will |
Closer to Truth |
Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix? | Dr. John Lennox |
Claremont Center for Reason, Religion, and Public Affairs |
Galileo and Medieval Science - James Hannam |
stjohnstimeline.co.uk |
A Brief History of Atheism |
Rational Religion |
What Can History Reveal About Christianity? Laura Robinson vs. Mike Licona |
Capturing Christianity |
The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War 1
Discovery Science |
Does Science Make Faith Obsolete? - James Tour |
Veritas Forum |
Tolerance Under Fire - Ravi Zacharias at Dartmouth College |
The Veritas Forum |
Signposts from a Suffering World |
Gordon College |
Does Presuppositionalism Make ANY Sense?
Capturing Christianity |
A Retrospective Look at The Origin of Species |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Making of a Theory: Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection |
HHMI BioInteractive Video |
Realism vs. Materialism (Science Uprising 01) |
Discovery Science |
No, You're Not a Robot Made Out of Meat (Science Uprising 02) |
Discovery Science |
Jeffrey Schwartz: You Are More than Your Brain - Science Uprising Extra Content |
Discovery Science |
Science and the Bible in Harmony |
Reasons Forum |
Science & Faith - Dr. James Tour |
100 Huntley |
Why Did God Create Hominids? |
Fazale Rana - Reasons to Believe |
Theistic Evolution - Stephen C. Meyer |
Biola University |
God and/or Evolution - Michael Behe and Joshua Swamidass |
Veritas Forum |
Creation in Scripture - Wayne Grudem |
Biola University |
Who Defines What Is Real? - J.P. Moreland |
Biola University |
What is Randomness? - Part 3 - Pseudorandomness, Periodicity, & Sufficient Iteration |
David Nguyen |
On Human Uniqueness - Ann Gauger |
Biola University |
Meaning of Beauty Explained in Beautiful New Illustra Film |
Creation-Evolution Headlines |
God and Evolution: A Critique of Theistic Evolution |
Phoenix Seminary |
God and Evolution: The Problem with Theistic Evolution |
IDquest |
God and/or Evolution? - Michael Behe and Joshua Swamidass |
Veritas Forum |
Four Lies the Culture Tells About the Truth - J. Warner Wallace |
Cold-Case Christianity |
A Debate: Which Worldview Produces the Best World? |
Joel McDurmon vs. Richard Carrier |
Why We Know Christianity is True |
J. Warner Wallace |
Resurrection: Can the Bible Be Trusted? - Dr. James Tour |
Rice University |
Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Is God Great? Debate |
Fixed Point Foundation |
What Happens To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel? |
Planet Zion |
Enigmata as infinitum: Questions of ultimate causation - Dr. David Galloway |
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgo |
John Lennox: The Question of Science and God - Part 1 |
Socrates in the City |
John Lennox: The Question of Science and God - Part 2 |
Socrates in the City |
Debate - Christopher Hitchens vs Alister McGrath - Is Religion a Poison or a Cure? |
Christopher Hitchens vs John Lennox | Can Atheism Save Europe? Debate |
Fixed Point Foundation |
Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel |
Tom Huston |
Creation in Scripture - Wayne Grudem |
Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series |
Does the discovery of 200,000-year-old human remains in Israel challenge the biblical view of human origins? |
Fazale Rana - Reasons to Believe |
Poison or Cure? Religious Belief in the Modern World - Christopher Hitchens vs Alister McGrath |
Georgetown University |
Who Defines What Is Real? - J.P. Moreland |
Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series |
On Human Uniqueness - Ann Gauger |
Biola University - Theistic Evolution Series |
How Do We Handle Creation Controversies Within the Local Church? |
Reasons to Believe |
David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions |
Hoover Institution |
Genesis 1 and Science: Discord or Harmony? - Hugh Ross |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
The Amazing First Verse of the Bible |
PNN News |
Genesis 1 and Science: Discord or Harmony? - Hugh Ross |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
Genesis and the Age of the Earth |
Trinity International University |
Lawrence Krauss vs John Lennox - Science, the Universe, The God Question |
Hugh Ross and Walter Kaiser vs. Ken Ham and Jason Lisle - Genesis Debate |
Sentinel Apologetics |
Debate: Hugh Ross vs. Ken Ham |
Thinking Creation video series |
Geoscience Research Institute |
The Nature of Evil and Suffering - John Lennox vs Michael Shermer |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
Does Atheism Poison Everything? - Christopher Hitchens vs David Berlinski |
Fixed Point Foundation |
Answering New Atheist Objections and Fallacies - John Lennox |
Theology, Philosophy, and Science |
Gödel, Infinity, and Jesus Christ as the Theory of Everything |
Philip Cunningham |
Religion and Science: Can They Co-exist? - John Lennox |
What are 7 days of creation? - John Lennox |
Centre for Public Christianity |
Hugh Ross Debates Kent Hovind - How Old Is the Earth? |
John Ankerberg |
The Genesis Files: The Meaning and Purpose of Creation - John Lennox |
Theology, Philosophy, and Science |
Atheist Dogma Debunks Itself - John Lennox |
1GodOnlyOne |
Debate: Atheists vs Christians - Krauss and Shermer vs D'Souza and Hutchinson |
Intelligence2 Debates |
Is Religion Intellectually Dangerous? - John Lennox |
Power to Change |
How Darwin Destroyed Reason: Formal and Final Causes - A Lecture by Prof. Stephen Clark |
Tyndale Philosophy |
The New Atheism Discussion - John Lennox |
Theology, Philosophy, and Science |
Darwin’s Beliefs - Anthony O'Hear |
Ian Ramsey Centre |
Faith Has Its Reasons - Part 1 - John Lennox |
Ridley Melbourne College |
Faith Has Its Reasons - Part 2 - John Lennox |
Ridley Melbourne College |
Seven Days That Divide the World - John Lennox |
Socrates in the City |
Should Christians Divide over the Age of the Earth? - Michael Horton, Stephen Meyer, Del Tackett, R.C. Sproul Jr, and R.C. Sproul |
Theology, Philosophy and Science |
Understanding the Early Chapters of Genesis - Interview with Inspiring Philosophy |
Capturing Christianity |
The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions - David Berlinski |
Socrates in the City |
Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality |
Nancy Pearcy at The Heritage Foundation |
Is Human Life Intrinsically Valuable?- Richard Weikart debates Peter Singer and Sue Blackmore |
Premiere Christian Radio |
C.S. Lewis and Evolution |
C.S. Lewis Web |
The Theological Roots of Modern Science - H. Fritz Schaefer |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Can Science Know the Mind of God? - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Right Questions - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Days of Genesis - Lee Irons |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Focus on Origins: From the Big Bang to Biology - Robert Newman |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic Philosophy? - Phillip E. Johnson vs William Provine |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? - Phllip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Focus on Darwinism - Phllip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Darwin: A Myth for the Post-Christian Mind - Stephen Meyer |
Ligonier Ministries |
God and Evolution - A Conversation Between Ann Gauger and S. Joshua Swamidass |
Village Forum |
The Surprising Science of Adam & Eve - Dr. S Joshua Swamidass |
Capturing Christianity |
Understanding the Early Chapters of Genesis - Interview with Inspiring Philosophy |
Capturing Christianity |
Swamidass and the Genealogical Adam and Eve |
J. R. Miller |
The Question of the Historicity of Adam and Eve (Doctrine of Man - Part 13) |
Reasonable Faith |
When Did Adam Live? - William Lane Craig |
Reasonable Faith |
Did Adam and Eve Live Recently? William Lane Craig + Joshua Swamidass |
Capturing Christianity |
Free Will, Souls, and the Problem of Evil | Richard Swinburne and Alex O'Connor |
Cosmic Skeptic |
The Deepest Evil – Part 1 |
InGrace TV |
Was Hitler anti-Christian? - A debate between Richard Weikart and Richard Carrier |
Premiere Christian Radio Podcast |
The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War I |
Discovery Science News |
From Darwin to Hitler |
University of California |
Scientific Racism: The Eugenics of Social Darwinism |
Darwinism and the Death of Humanity - Richard Weikart |
Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism |
Discovery Science News |
Raising Questions About Evolution in the Schools - Phillip E. Johnson |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Should Intelligent Design Be Taught in Public Schools? - Deamer, Darling, Nelson, D'Angostino |
ARN - Origins 101 |
Multi-scale Modeling of Chromatin and Nucleosomes - Animation of DNA, histones, epigenetic modifications |
Supercomputational Life Science |
ATP Synthase: The power plant of the cell |
Discovery Science News |
The Workhorse of the Cell: Kinesin |
Discovery Science News |
First-ever data-driven videos illuminate RNA’s mysterious folding process |
Northwestern University |
On the Origin of Phyla - James Valentine |
ARN - Origins 101 |
The Fundamental Theorem of Natural Selection with Mutations - Bill Basener |
International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems, and Conservation Biology |
Nature by Numbers - An Awesome Animation |
Cristóbal Vila |
Infographic: Anatomical Construction by Cell Collectives |
The Scientist |
How Groups of Cells Cooperate to Build Organs and Organisms |
The Scientist |
Watching a salamander grow from a single cell |
Uncommon Descent |
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