
Welcome to ARN-Announce
Number Two, June 1999

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This is the second "issue" of ARN-Announce. Our first issue was sent out in February, so those of you who submitted your email address since then haven't missed anything. We anticipate sending out shorter announcements on a more frequent basis. Thanks for your patience. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (


O&D #37 was mailed out in April and highlights and excerpts are now available online. In this issue Paul Nelson, Stephen Meyer, Phillip Johnson, William Dembski, Jonathan Wells, and Michael Behe take a detailed look at Michael Denton's new book Nature's Destiny. The panel finds a line of argument markedly different from Denton's popular first book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis.

Other highlights of this issue include "Design in Nature and the Nature of Design" by Dennis Feucht, a new hypothesis on the Inverted Human Retina by Michael Denton, a conference report on "Science and Christianity: Into the New Millennium" by David Tyler, a conference report on "Science and the Spiritual Quest" by Jed Macosko, "Blaming the Handyman" by Lydia McGrew, and the Literature Survey of recent significant articles by Paul Nelson.

View these articles at:

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ARN now has two new videos interviews available:

Opening Darwin's Black Box: Video Interview with Dr. Michael J. Behe
A half-hour interview with Dr. Michael Behe, Lehigh University biologist and author of Darwin's Black Box. Tom Woodward asks Professor Behe to explain the meaning of "Darwin's Black Box" and "Irreducible Complexity"
in this insightful video interview. Includes the same ARN computer animations of the cilium and flagellum as featured in the lecture video. Approximately 28 minutes. Item# V011; $19.95

On the Origin of Phyla: Interviews with James W. Valentine
Widely recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on invertebrate paleontology and evolutionary paleobiology, Professor James Valentine's research tackles what many consider the most difficult
and enigmatic problem facing neo-Darwinian theory: explaining the origin of phyla.

In these exclusive interviews, Professor Valentine addresses a wide range of personal and technical questions, including:

Also includes ARN interview questions insert for easy reference. Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes; Item# V012; $19.95

June ARN-Announce Special
If you order either of the above videos in the month of June we will throw in hardback copy of Phil Johnson's Reason in the Balance, The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law, & Education for half price ($10 - normally $19.95). This was Phil's
second book which focused on the impact of naturalism on the public schools, the universities, and the elite of the legal profession. We have a couple of boxes of these in stock and even if you already have a copy, now you can
afford to buy one for a friend. Item# B018; $10.00 (special pricing with video order for June 1999 only)

Please mention the June special when ordering this product with the video.

For quickest fulfillment you can place credit card arnproducts on either one of our voicemail systems (1-888-259-7102 or 1-719-633-1772). The 888 number is toll-free, but the 719 voicemail is a little easier to use. We hope to
switch the 888 number to a live operator in the near future, so those of you that hate voicemail systems, please be patient.


"Scientists Find Evidence of God" Insight magazine article, April 19, 1999 by Stephen Goode. This article provides a good overview of the Intelligent Design movement, its key authors and thinkers, as well as the important
texts to date. View this article at:


Review from First Things, "Books in Review", April 1999. Stephen M. Barr reviews What Remains To Be Discovered: Mapping The Secrets Of The Universe, Origins Of Life, And The Future Of The Human Race by former editor-in-chief of the journal Nature, Sir John Maddox. In the book Maddox attempts an overview of what has been discovered 'in the last [300 years]' and what is likely to be discovered in the century ahead" and provides a rebuttal of John Horgan's provocative book, The End of Science, published in 1996. View this article at:


"The God of Science: The Case for Intelligent Design"
Michael J. Behe reviews Tower of Babel: The Evidence Against the New Creationism by Robert Pennock. Originally published in The Weekly Standard, June 7, 1999. View this article at:

Rebuttals to Common Criticisms of the Book Darwin's Black Box
Robert DiSilvestro, Ph.D. Biochemistry. Robert DiSilvestro provides a very short summary of the basic ideas of the book Darwin's Black Box then briefly describes the eight main criticisms and gives rebuttals to them. View this
article at:


"Keeping the Darwinists Honest"
This article is reprinted from an interview with Citizen Magazine, April 1999. Scientists and educators are typically scornful of biblically based ideas, but many find it less easy to resist the concept of "intelligent design"-hard evidence that life on earth is not the result of a random process. That's the message law professor Phillip Johnson of Berkeley, Calif., is taking to the world's leading scholars. Johnson spoke recently with Citizen editor Tom Hess.
View this article at:

Communiqué Interview: Phillip E. Johnson
By Jeff Lawrence. This article appears in Communiqué: A Quarterly Journal, Spring 1999. In interview format Johnson summarizes what intelligent design is all about and gives his viewpoint on many science and religion topics and where things may be headed in the future. View this article at:

"The Gorbachev of Darwinism" by Phillip E. Johnson
This article appears in First Things 79 (January 1998): 14-16. Johnson compares Stephen J. Gould's current situation to that of the self-created predicament of Mikhail Gorbachev in the last years of the Soviet Empire.
Gorbachev recognized that something had gone wrong with the Communist system, but thought that the system itself could be preserved if it was reformed. His democratic friends warned him that the Marxist fundamentalists
would inevitably turn against him, but he was unwilling to endanger his position in the ruling elite by following his own logic to its necessary conclusion. Gould, like Gorbachev, deserves immense credit for bringing glasnost to a closed society of dogmatists. And, like Gorbachev, he lives on as a sad reminder of what happens to those who lack the nerve to make a clean break with a dying theory. View this article at:

"Nihilism and the End of the Law" by Phillip E. Johnson
This article appears in First Things 31 (March 1993): 19-25. Secularized intellectuals have long been complacent in their apostasy because they were sure they weren't missing anything important in consigning God to the ashcan of history. They were happy to replace the Creator with a mindless evolutionary process that left humans free and responsible only to themselves. They complacently assumed that when their own reasoning power was removed from its grounding in the only ultimate reality, it could float, unsupported, on nothing at all. As modernist rationalism gives way in universities to its own natural child-postmodernist nihilism-modernists are learning very slowly what a bargain they have made. It isn't a bargain a society can live with indefinitely. View this article at:

"What Would Newton Do?" by Phillip E. Johnson
Modern scientific materialists regard Newton's devotion to alchemy and theology as a regrettable distraction from his scientific achievement, but it is another form of cheating to divide a genius so neatly into his reputable and disreputable parts. View this article at:


ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (

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