
Welcome to ARN-Announce
Number Three, December 1999

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This is the third issue of ARN-Announce. It describes many of the new articles, books, videos and other resources on Intelligent Design that have been added to the ARN Web site since June 1999. If you only have time to read one item in this announce please jump to Jonathan Well's article on Peppered Moths, just one more glaring reason why most biology textbooks will need a major overhaul in years to come. Please forward this message to several of your friends and colleagues to let them know about the resources available at Access Research Network (


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Access Research Network is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This web site and the material provided by ARN is made possible through donations from private individuals and grants from various organizations. We are primarily staffed by a dedicated volunteer-base, so that most of our financial assistance is allowed to directly fund the acquisition and distribution of our educational resources. If you have found this site and this material useful, we encourage you to make a donation to ARN, so that we can continue to expand our reach and provide quality educational resources to the general public. Your donation to ARN is tax-deductible. All donations received by December 31 are deductible in this tax year. To make an on-line donation go to:


With the new ARN on-line catalog, it is easy and secure to order our products by credit card and if you order now you can have them by Christmas. To ensure delivery before Christmas, we recommend you place your order no later than December 15 and request Priority shipping (Book Rate order will not arrive in time). If you prefer the old fashion way, then pick up the phone and leave your order on our voicemail system at 719-633-1772. There are several good Christmas gift ideas listed below. We recommend the Triumph of Design video for any age group from junior high on up. The new Intelligent Design book by William Dembski and the Touchstone and Rhetoric magazines are excellent resources for anyone who wants to read more about the evidence for design (and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand them).

New Video: The Triumph of Design and the Demise of Darwin
If you have enjoyed our lecture and interview videos with Phillip Johnson and Michael Behe then you will love this one hour documentary-style video introducing the concepts of intelligent design and outlining the shortcomings of macro-evolutionary theory. The video features interviews with Professor Phillip Johnson and others. It also takes a look at the recent controversy in Kansas where the State Board of Education removed the topic of evolution from the science testing standards. This is an excellent video for home study or for introducing a youth group to the concepts of intelligent design. Fast-moving with wonderful graphics and music, this one won't put you to sleep. "Triumph" is narrated by Woody Cozad and created by Emmy-award winning producer Jack Cashill, Ph.D. Item# V013; $24.95

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New Book by William A. Dembski
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology
Intelligent Design has gained considerable grassroots support. However many scientists and theologians remain skeptical about its merits. Scientists worry that it is bad science (creationism in disguise), while theologians worry that it is bad theology (misunderstanding divine action). In this book, William Dembski addresses just such concerns and brilliantly argues that intelligent design provides a crucial link between science and theology. Dembski's first book "The Design Inference Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities" was the published version of his Ph.D. thesis and a foundational building block for the intelligent design movement. If you are a mathmatican or scientist you may want to start with Dembski's first book. The rest of us will be more comfortable cuddling up to the fire with his newest book. William A. Dembski 1999, InterVarsity Press, hardcover, 302 pp. Item# B030; $19.95

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Two magazines recently released special issues on Intelligent Design:

Touchstone Magazine: Special Double Issue on Intelligent Design
Are we the product of random chance or does our complexity point to an intelligent creator? This collector's issue features thirteen articles that constitute well over 100 pages of insight into Intelligent Design. Among the many contributors to this double issue are Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe, Nancy Pearcey, William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, Jonathan Wells, Walter Bradley, John Wiester, Paul Nelson, Robert F. DeHaan, John West, Jay Wesley Richards, John Mark Reynolds, and Patrick Henry Reardon. Topics include the cultural significance of design, the apologetic value of design, design and the popular imagination, design and the fossil record, and design in cosmology. 1999, paperback Item# B028; $8.00

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Rhetoric & Public Affairs Special Issue on Intelligent Design
This special issue of the prize-winning scholarly journal Rhetoric & Public Affairs explores the key issues raised by Intelligent Design. The issue features five major essays by Intelligent Design scholars: Michael J. Behe, William A. Dembski, Stephen C. Meyer, Jonathan Wells & Paul Nelson, Thomas M. Lessl and John Angus Campbell. These essays are followed by critical responses from Phillip E. Johnson, David Depew, John Lyne, Celeste M. Condit, Steve Fuller and Bruce H. Weber. John Angus Campbell, Guest Editor. 1999, paperback Item# B029; $10.00

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Intelligent Design in Public School Science Curricula. Local school boards and state education officials are frequently pressured to avoid teaching the controversy regarding biological origins. Indeed, many groups, such as the National Academy of Sciences, go so far as to deny the existence of any genuine scientific controversy about the issue. Nevertheless, teachers should be reassured that they have the right to expose their students to the problems as well as the appeal of Darwinian theory. Moreover school boards have the authority to permit, and even encourage, teaching about design theory as an alternative to Darwinian evolution. This 48 page booklet documents the scientific and legal precedence for including Intelligent Design in public school science curricula. Including discussions of design in the science curriculum serves an important goal of making education inclusive, rather than exclusionary. In addition, it provides students with an important demonstration of the best way for them as future scientists and citizens to resolve scientific controversies--by a careful and fair-minded examination of the evidence. David K. DeWolf, Stephen C. Meyer, Mark E. DeForrest. 1999, Foundation for Thought and Ethics, paperback, 42 pp. Item# B031; $7.00

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The Kansas controversy began when the state school board voted to reject sections of a national standard issued by the National Academy of Sciences. Contrary to hysterical reports, the board did not ban evolution from the classroom. In fact, the new guidelines substantially increase coverage of the topic. The board merely decided not to include evolution in state competency tests-by implication, not treating it as fact beyond dispute. In this area ( you will read the little known facts seldom mentioned in the media hysteria in articles by Phillip Johnson, Nancy Pearcey, Mark Hartwig, Michael Behe and others.


Every student of biological evolution learns about peppered moths. The dramatic increase in dark forms of this species during the industrial revolution, and experiments pointing to differential bird predation as the cause, have become the classical story of evolution by natural selection. The same careful scientific approach which established the classical story in the first place, however, has now revealed major flaws in it. It is time to take another look. This article by biologist Jonathan Wells was recently published in The Scientist, (May 24, 1999). (


Nancy R. Pearcey is probably best known as executive editor of Chuck Colson's daily radio commentary "BreakPoint" and co-author of How Now Shall We Live? (with Chuck Colson) and The Soul of Science (with Charles Thaxton). Nancy has recently signed on as managing editor of the ARN journal Origins & Design, and we are pleased to be able to feature some of her past articles and reviews in the Featured Authors section of the ARN web site. (


ARN-Announce is written by Dennis Wagner (

Access Research Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible information on science, technology and society issues from an intelligent design perspective.

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