
Welcome to ARN-Announce
Dennis Wagner, editor

Number Forty-Six, March 31, 2005

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One Nation Under Darwin

 New DVD lecture with Phillip E. Johnson

Are we One Nation under God or One Nation under Darwin? Phillip Johnson says this is the most important public debate to face our nation in the past 150 years.  Either we are under God or we are not under God.  Either God is real or God is imaginary.  What we decide we are “under” as a nation will determine our moral authority for the future of our people and our country.

The inspiration for this lecture was the Pledge of Allegiance Case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2004.  In this case an atheist father was requesting that the words “under God” be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance his daughter was required to recite at her public school.  There were several interesting twists to the case including the fact that he was an absent father who never married the mother, and both the mother and daughter were Christians and did not object to the “under God” phrase in the pledge.  The father was a medical doctor, had also attended law school, and did an admirable job in arguing his own case before the California Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that ruled in his favor.

After the California court decision there was a public outcry from citizens across the nation and all 100 Senators in Congress registered disapproval of the decision.  And yet Phillip Johnson argues, this decision was a logical progression of court rulings since the 1962 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to prohibit prayer in our public schools.  It was just one more step in the intentional secularization of America by our courts by removing any form of recognized religion from the public square.

Likewise the institution of marriage is under attack by the courts and the legal profession is already laying the ground work to redefine marriage from the union of a man and a woman, to the union of two people of the same sex, or a group of people, or possibly even between people and animals.

Ideas have consequences and the moral authority that “we the people” decide to put ourselves under in the future will have far reaching consequences for our nation.

What is the best way to discuss these issues in a pluralistic society?  Phillip Johnson advocates the “Teach the Controversy” approach which has been endorsed by Congress in the Santorum language that was part of the “No Child Left Behind” Education Act of 2002.  

This video is 1 hr and 32 minutes in length and includes a lively Q&A session with the audience.

To order the One Nation Under Darwin  DVD lecture video with Phillip Johnson go to:

Real Science 4 Kids: Pre-Level I Chemistry

New book by Rebecca Keller, Ph.D.

Prices also reduced 10-20% on Level I Chemistry, Biology and Physics

Elementary Science CurriculumDesigned for children in grades K-3, the Pre-Level I series is intended to introduce the student to the basic concepts of chemistry, physics and biology at an early age.  Although the text covers serious science topics, the large type and generous use of color cartoons and illustrations make science fun and interesting for even the youngest student.  Where else can you find happy faced molecules holding hands and joining arms to illustrate the concepts of bonding, mixing and dissolving? 

Pre-Level I Chemistry has ten chapter lessons introducing students to atoms, molecules, reactions, acids and bases, mixing, dissolving, food and taste, molecular chains, proteins and DNA.

As with the Level I series, the Pre-Level I includes a student text, teacher text and lab worksheets. The premise of the RS4K curriculum is that if you introduce children to real concepts of science at an early age, without the more difficult math, they will excel at science later on (junior high and high school) even when it includes more rigorous math. 

See the accompanying sample chapters for a full table of contents and examples of the wonderful graphics used to communicate these fundamental concepts of science.  You may purchase the items separately or order the Pre-Level I Chemistry Bundle that includes the student text, teacher manual and lab worksheets and save 10% on the bundled price.

Current users of the RS4K curriculum will also be happy to learn that we have recently reduced the prices of our entire line of RS4K products by 10-20% due to new volume printing prices passed on from the publisher.

Author Rebecca Keller is anticipating an August 2005 release date of the Level II curriculum.  Although originally scheduled a year earlier, Dr. Keller decided to redesign the level II curriculum and believes the new Level II product will be worth the wait.

To order the Pre-Level I Chemistry curriculum or to view sample chapters go to:

This month we continue the diagnostic analysis of my friend’s neuromuscular problem. Have you ever wondered what it takes to make your bones move? What about the question of why doctors always run around with those reflex hammers, what’s up with that Doc? This month’s column will try to answer these questions and more while trying to impress upon you the incredible complexity of the neuromuscular system. A system that is purported to have come into existence by only the blind forces of macroevolution without any intelligent direction.

See if you still believe that assertion after you finish reading: Wired for Much More than Sound: Part IX, Run for your Life Part 2

If I end up like Terri: An open letter to my wife

Terri Schiavo has been on our minds and in our prayers these past months whether we liked it or not.  The media made sure of that.  No doubt you’ve had one or more discussions about the many and complicated issues surrounding her case.  Today she died at the age of 41.

What does this issue have to do with Intelligent Design?  Actually quite a lot. What you believe about nature and the nature of humans can lead to a culture of life or one of death, and ultimately influence our whole view of bioethics as we will explore in more detail next month.

One of the recommendations of the legal pundits regarding Terri’s case is to make our end-of-life wishes clearly and undeniably known before we lose the capacity to do so. And so our own Mark Hartwig, who has endured more suffering than most, sets out his wishes both for life and, most importantly, for love.    

And Mark's wish that he expressed to ARN is that we tell you that you are free to distribute this article as widely as you wish, so long as the article is not altered or used for commercial purposes.

To read his open letter to his wife Janelle, go to:


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