November 30, 2010

Welcome to the ARN Announce email reports. These brief emails are sent out every couple of weeks to help you keep up with the top intelligent design news and resources at a glance, and provide you with quick links to more information. We also provide you with advanced notice of new products and special sales available only to our email subscribers.

Product Announcements
Modern Physics and Ancient Faith

Liberty University Law Review on Intelligent Design

by Hosea Horneman, John Calvert, Johnny Buckles, Casey Luskin, Edward Sisson, Barbara Mouly

This issue of the Liberty University Law Review (Vol 3, No 2) was produced as a result of a symposium on Intelligent Design and the Law hosted at Liberty University in February 2009.  It contains five articles by lawyers providing different perspectives on why the teaching of ID in not only legal, but necessary in a public school curriculum that discusses origins.  While there are various articles available on this topic, as well as the Kitzmiller court case, this is the only volume we are aware of that offers a comprehensive set of articles that correctly address the issue of ID and evolution in the public schools.

The authors take on difficult questions that continue to plague judges, educators and philosophers.  Is intelligent design science?  Is it religion?  Is it both? Is Darwinian evolution science, religion or both?  How should sensitive topics such as human origins be handled in the public schools?  The Kitzmiller v. Dover case is examined in detail as well as other court cases related to the issue as the authors chart out various strategies for moving forward.

Go here to view the table of contents and order your copy today.

Modern Physics and Ancient Faith

Debate at UCLA: Can Intelligent Design Be Detected in Biology?
William A. Dembski and Niall Shanks

Professors William Dembski and Niall Shanks debate whether the complexities of nature require an intelligent designer. Dembski says that there is evidence that such a designer did play a role. Shanks argues that there is no scientific evidence for the claim and the fact that scientists cannot answer certain questions should not, by default, make the case for proponents.

Could intelligent design in biological systems be scientifically detectable, and has it in fact been detected in nature? Intelligent design holds that intelligence is responsible for many of the instances of the order and complexity in the natural world. The idea that intelligence underlies physical reality has a long and illustrious history. Throughout that history, intelligent design has seemed eminently reasonable. Only with the rise of Darwinian evolution, however, has this idea come to seem unreasonable. Is Darwinism now experiencing a crisis that is making its challenge to intelligent design increasingly unreasonable?

Order your copy here.

ARN News Flash
Quote on Hawking's The Grand Design

"The main novelty in The Grand Design is the authors' application of a way of interpreting quantum mechanics, derived from the ideas of the late Richard Feynman, to the universe as a whole. According to this way of thinking, ‘the universe does not have just a single existence or history, but rather every possible version of the universe exists simultaneously.’ The authors also assert that the world's past did not unfold of its own accord, but that ‘we create history by our observation, rather than history creating us.’ They say that these surprising ideas have passed every experimental test to which they have been put, but that is misleading in a way that is unfortunately typical of the authors. It is the bare bones of quantum mechanics that have proved to be consistent with what is presently known of the subatomic world. The authors' interpretations and extrapolations of it have not been subjected to any decisive tests, and it is not clear that they ever could be."

-- The Economist, September 9, 2010

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